Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project Karachi Tender Notice in Businessrecorder newspaper of 19 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project Karachi Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Sindh Secondary Education Improvement Project Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Schools,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Schools Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ADB ard Tide: NO. Titjc: Invitation for Bids rer •rn roan-entero •Additional C'V35: cd 119 S'ChüClS Litt. 9.201 S'jar PäJtCb i') O*triCl Oidu. Didritt Kantur-S&hd0dk01 and OStriCl Larvana. Sindh 57 on r of 34 m msrric-t f Recctsmxtian cf28Scfwjs •8wygasisi"TehsdLd/É.na 21 1 1 •00 HccrslP*istar. 2. 3. 4. The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan I-as re:eied tin:rcinglrovn Bank Sindh Secondars Education Impmyernent Pmiect •Addilicaal Financing. Part oi lhe linnei11Q wil ahue. is agen tc Billers from j'"B. Tli± Sth001 Edvta:ti0ti and Literacy oeparltnefil. Government 01 Sindh Ptuec Director PIOjn:l LIOil Sif'dli Educata:n "rpmjement Proyt ISSEIF'X Sc;nanl Educatin ard I-iteray Daartrnn•t, Gavernrpnt oi Sre IGoS) mites sealed bids frcrn Edigibl: Bii•dersfcrthe ccasttuclion and completion as Cllle woos"), separate for or mulli[ik a ran one M luwæt cwluijled pw.idCd Sih bidet the [C•r bl or sxh rtwlliple Ictä. Cgen cnmpe•tive lidding advertisement'"ill he in acornanæv.ilhthe ÅÜBS$.innlt*ge, tillding prccedureart is wen all Bddersfromdigi$e ccurtt•iss Katjcral Bidders are required to be regiEE:red '*ifr Pa;jstan Engineæing Council wih a registratjcr. Ceffficatbn in Category as menticned in Sectiur. 3 cd the Bidding Ihu.ment. Crtyetißitll$ dinners With Ille kgg qu.älili&hcrs (telinsxl Cccurnem rrgi/ ill tantrae No gi Package me years ard is siniY til ft pmpcsed aneuts é'tiO•ty 11b" baszd on re sue , rnreoi es dtsclited in Secti:n 6, Occur.ents. PKR IÆG•ILC mildn LSS FKR The hidershm-ldtmearnni-m:n The hider tuve c.äShllmu Average Constructin requrement LOII Lot2 O" 57 *toos Li!ft. Fva•a il Farrv«r mtJ TeltSil Ois:tjitl ShididkDl Rica-structin of 34 Schools Lighl Euge Steel Fryre Structures with Sour Pan* Instüli:n on Buid Bass in Oafi 28 *toos Li!ft. SCO' Turre.•er as millliared 621m"} rat:ulälEd cEfifea payments 'mm i' prcgre;s cr mmplEted, wi'hll tit* three FKR6,7tommi1tootUSS FKR3,aommi1tnmLSS *Raccammiltootuss etlLiWb"t eqLiWb.f me convét-e qeaöftatisn are *scnbed Yig 6. lhereareangd&crepancæs bet*eenthis Ine%bcniordidandfre DncurrgGiti* iddingdccurprnst-øllpre•ßl PIOjCCt Di'CClüt project SiXlt' Secantarg Educatjcc Improvement project Department Street Address Rco:m Nurnber- Tele hcræ Nce Addræs: Hotse Kh Pakstan Üffxeal P •ee Director c 01 pakiitar. Q-2109332182 8. 11. TO in Engi±h, e,iiibb Gini: Fugees Fiåeen Thousani Only IPKR 15,000.001 ty f in ftaar cf P10iect Oiret:tr. P10ietl Implementalion Urtit, Sindh Impnj'03mrtPr*flSchml EO ',ndLilencyDegatnenl. hurmznldSmdh,kdrzss.H0U5CN0. Karachi Pakistan Tte tiidtrs tfle no PIUSSElP'.EbEi2i.e, Oireür Util Si'Et1 Seo-r.dT/Edu:ion Prop:lSzhod Edutaitn ard cf "dress: Hose h. 17"' , S','eet No. 31 , 1077ßbur•Siü7Eteer, Sata kanu:z, ül--lå. Phase S Edn- PahEta-. Emaizdd'ess: • Time} topelhzr Viilh a Sd Szuring ds:ibzd in "-e of Eid: bds be azured. TEC-ni:a] Bdsuil te TZI Oclobzr20Z4, 11:05 Hor: [Pakistan Timel il tEders' rz:present21ia ctxa:e tcaffmd, Fi171i21 Bis rzmzin sz±d umre-.ed a-i The Friu ony RzspansiÆänd OuafIÉd &EEers te ogered tis eg]uattcn, the pi:e bds ot bidEE'i'Écse b'dsare rat ruporsiæ not b: rt'rred INF.KRY 2967/24 c ews paper Project Director Proiect *mcdemertAticn unit Secorøary Education Improvement Preect School Education and Literacy Oepwtrnent Ceverrrr.ent ct SiiWt Addrs€s: House No. 17/1 , Sireet No. 31 Olayebaan•e-Shamshesr, Saba Avenue, DHA Hnase S Extn„ Karachi Pakistan ep, from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
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