Punjab Social Protection Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Tender,Procurement Of Office Furniture ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Punjab Human Capital Investment Project Punjab Social Protection Authority Credit No. 65480K Contract Title: Procurement 01 Office Furniture Reference No- PK-PSPA-451132-GO-RFa REQUESTS FOR OUOTATIONS Procurement of Office Furniture TheGovt ot Pakistan (hereinafter called 'Barrower"} has received financing from lhe International Oeuelopment Association (ION in lhe form ot a "loan' thereinafter called •loan") toward lhe cast (11 "Ponjatl Capital Investment Punjab Authority (PSPA} imglementing agency. intends to apply a of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under lhe contract for Prowrementof Offce Furniture. Accordingly, separate sealed gwotations are invited from the local bidders. Proccremert will be cordlicted through Requests for Ouotations {RFi3j method as specified in World Bank'S Regt'13fiOMS IPF Borrowers JIM}' 2015 REViS2d 2017 and August 2018 and iS open to all eligible bidders as detinad in tte Procurement RegulatiÆd1s. PHCIP-PSPA now invites sealed quotations from Eligible suppliers ibr the sopply of Furniture tor PHCIP-PSPA Head Office Lahore and Regional Offices located at Bahawalnr. Muzaffargarh. Rahim Yar Khan, Rajanpur, O.G Kham Layan, Bhakkar. Mianwali, Khughab, Lc•ährzn, KOI as per Sj:etiliS'd it' Ollgtors must have at-least five {05} years of experience for sun'S' of similar items as requisitiülad in the RFD documents: (ii} lhe Offerors must satisfactorily complete at least three (03) similar nature contractSPO each amountircto Rs. million or above, in last five {05} years, (iii) the Offerors must have lurailLjre manulacturmg it PRkiSlan, Fl)llOWing aesiret:l quaralili9S end Requirements; 2. 3, 4, 5 Items Name Office Rack Executive Chair ViSitor Cttair with T&blE Drawer Qty 04 4 6. 8, Ite ISi r Cl%lir rkstationg with Sidc rawers Persons SJJbject to Space Availability} "Vacdan Cupboards Steel Qty 04 05 A RFO. specifitati01'IS, delivery terrns 8. conditions can be obtaine&frpm PHClP-Procuernent floom. 78-79. Muslim Town. Wahdat Road, Lahore on Submission of written application on company letter head, duly st:pported oy valid copy alilTN GSI catlilicatcs. Ttte affeertisement and +0 documents Shall &ISO available W?bfitöhttps:»gspa-punj&, duly accompamad a Security-@ 5% quoted in gay deposit from in PäkiStan in ('came Df PHCIP• PSPA. must bedelivered to the address given below on or before 1500 hours on October 07, 2024. Electronic submission shall not be permitted. Late wotations will not be accepted. Ouotations will be gutlically opened by the Purchaser's representatives immediately after the deadline for the submisyon of Ouotaliong. in the Committee Room. PHClP-Puniab Social Protection Muslim Town, Wahdat Road, PROJECT OIRECTOR Punjab Human Capital Imuestment Project (PHCIP) Pillljai Social Protection 78.79, -rawn, wahd-at Road, 042-99232359-60 042-99231708 Email: [email protected] Web-site: IPL No. c ewspaper ep, from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
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