Pakistan Railway Lahore Tender Notice for Tender,Wooden Sleeper,Crossing Timbers Off Sites ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAYS HEADOUARTERS OFFICE, LAHORE INVITATION TO BID THROUGH EPADS Pakistan Railways is a Federal Government Departrnent which endeavors to provide a competltjve, safe reliable, market oriented, efficient, and environment-friendly mode of transport and plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development, Chief Controller of Purchase, Pakistan Railways, Office Lahore invites tenders/sealed bids from the original manufacturers/ authorize distributors 'suppliers 'contractors registered wnh Income Tax & Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal goard of Revenue registered office for the supply aganst following tender in accordance with Single Stage-Single Envelopes Procedure of Public Procumrnent Rules-2004, Tender No. Description WocCe•r Sleepers TenierClosing Tender Opening Ternsar ditSÉt:urity t2ie and Time ani lime telivel'/ rewired 0/-10.20" 1. 211-spsna•ROH• off-sizes Bridge CAP Tender NOTE: There will be 'NO' Rate Negotiations I. Bids only through E-Pak AcqufsÅion and disposal system (EPAÜS) will be entertained (wwweprocurægov-pk) no bid other than EPADS will be accepted. Bid securiW will be, submitteqbefore closing of tender physically in tender box in the Office Of Chief Controllef0VPurchase. Bidder will also upload the complete scanned copy ot their bid in E?AOS. Note; EPADS tender No. F-240997201 2, Bidding document$jGntaining detailed terms and conditions, can be downloaded from http•Je-proéy/é.gov,pkfree of cost. 3. The hid prepare/in accordance instructionscontained inthebidding documents must be gubmitted an EPAC as per the schedule mentioned in the table above. (Muhammad Ahmad Qureshi) Track Supply Officer for Chiet Controller of Purchase Pakistan Railways, Headquarters Office, Lahore Phone No.042-g9201799 / Email: [email protected] o Newspaper ep, from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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