Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR HIRING OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SAFETY DATA ANALYSIS Pakistan Civl Authonty i'%'dcs lhe ptovjgals for hinng 01 Cor&bullsulta to ass' Flights Standards. Salety Oath Occurrences froin reputed mns.illirg Firms indivivijal relevant. openeü a geliod One (01} b'/ another one (Oi year wilh mutual agreement} coagent tovardies sgtjggadcry performance Of lhe consultant. Tender Fee RSS,OOO/- {NON-REFUNDABLE) Sale of Bid Docwnents October. 2024 ission Date J Time Tender Opening Date I Time October, 2024 at 1130 hours October, 2024 at 1200 hours RÉh Detailed pjatfc.alj01i g technical criteria IS RFP documents cortairing detsilad T ors can t*tained from the affCe any wor"ng day between 090J to 1010 Hrs upan subevissior. {Non-refurd±le}, Ttis arftertiserrter..t,pk- #11iicalirn an Companyg letter heed wilh af Tender ise availatåe cn website www-p&bullpraorg,pk and PCAA 3. 5. The bi&.lil'.g '*Otcssshallbenmed tb Nethod. Prrg&bullsal (Technical' Financial)do ininewifiinstruciicns cantAinsd in theRFP documentsmustbe in lhe affre ofÅdqona,UDirectar HR. HQs PCAA by or t*fore 11 hours October, 2024, Techrial Proposal En&bull.eopajll be opened an the gente day 1200 hrs) in lhe A&.lilionat Director HR. PC%AA the presence Of the b'd r authorized lepreserilölives. who meh to aura. The Fimæop:s &bullal Prcgosal' oi mly Technically ard midified Finms 'Bill opered in rresenc:e iheir respective representab'.es at the date and time to be deteamirgd ccmraunicgted later, The Autharlb' reser&bullcs all nghlS reject any all prcpogals bids for reasons afiich he corrnuniüted the bidder Wlthout teiig l'.oble to contpengalic&euroi Of any nature as get applicable procurement ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES HEADQUARTERS PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY, KOASCHEME-I KARSAZ, KARACHI. Tel: 021-32521367 (Ekt:3118) PIO O Newspaper ( 19 Sep, 2024) from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
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