Oil & Gas Development Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Tender,Lube Oil Pumps For Turbo Expander,Procurement Of 14 IPASD,Procurement Of Weldinf Plants For Ogdcl Rigs ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO E-BID THROUGH SAP-ARIBA DISCOVERY E-Bids are invited through SAP-Ariba Discovery for the service/material given below under competitive bidding procedure as per public procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules CLOSING DESCRIPTION OATE & TIME 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. TENDER NUMBER OGOCL.SCM-LC-PT- PNP.NOF-PUMP. 264700291-2024 OGDCL-SCM-LC-PT- COMM-VHFWTSETS- 264671496-2024 OGOCL.SCM.LH.PT. SYSTEM-19-264909707 -2024 OGDCL-LF-PT-DRM- KBS-264240552-2024 LUBE OIL PUMP FOR TURBO EXPANDER-COMPRESSOR VHF WALKIE TALKIE SETS REOUIRED FOR CHANDA / MELA KPK PROVI PROCUREME PROCUREMENT OF WELDING P OR OGOCL RIGS 04.10.2024 nao Hrs 07.10,2024 AT 1130 Hts 07.10.2024 AT 1130 07.10.2024 AT 1030 Hts All bids will be opened 30 mi Tender detailed afterthe bids Closing date/ time. ctions are available on PPRA website at [email protected]. Tender documen a submitted online vailab[e online and bids are also required to be h portal at httpsfloqdcl.coatl/eap• for details see "Instr fordiddersSection"ofthe tenderåacuments. OGüCL the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding reject all the bids as pet public procurement Regulatoty Authority (PPflA)Ru1e-33, GENERAL MANAGER OIL & GAS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OGOCL HOUSE, JINNAH AVENUE. ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN No. 148/19 PHONE NO. 92-51 •920023540/3795 from Businessrecorder dated 19 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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