Lahore Waste Management Company Lahore Tender Notice for Hiring Of Vehicles Tracking & Management System Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CLEAN&mdash LAHORE LAHORE WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY Company Established under Section 42 ofCornpanies Ordinance 1984 INVITATION TO BID FOR HIRING OF VEHICLE TRACKING & MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES FOR LW-VIC IFOR THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. EXTENDABLE TO ANOTHER TWO YEAR.SI The Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) invites sealed bids from eligible (as per Bidding Document) Bidders 1 Service Providers for "HIRING OF VEHICLE TRACKING & MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SERVICES FOR LWMC (FOR THE PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, EXTENDABLE TO ANOTHER TWO YEARS)". Joint Venture Consortium and Sub- Contracting is not allowed. Bidding process will be conducted online through E&bullPak Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS). Bidding Documents are immediately available after p icauon of advertisement on LWMC, PPRAand EPADS website. Bidding Document, may o -ned (free ofeost) by downloading directly from LWMC website RA website & EPADS website (uuaLubcuuuu.e.QL2k) cost or printed hard copy of the bidding document may be purchased from I-WY ad Office by producing appl ication an d depositing the tender fee of the L WMC Bahk Account No.3531-I (6580003820300018), Liberty Bran of Punjab, Lahore and attaching proof thereof. A Pre&bullBid meeting will be held on Sebte 24, 2024 at 1100 hours in the office of the undersigned. Detail of Estimated Annual Estimated Pric along with required Bid Security is as under er TORs Bid Securi Amount 2% of Estimated Price VTMS Nationål Co bidding KR 46.8 Million Bidding shall be conducted through Single Stage-Two Envelope ith I Cost method as supulated in PPRA Rules 2014, as amended from O time to time. duly completed, signed, stamped and in complete conformity with the Bidding ent must be submitted online on E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (EPADS) website (i.e. as well as hard copy of the same at LWMC Head Office till 1100 Hours on or before October 02, 2024 till 1100 hours. However openmg of Technical Bids will be conducted on EPADS on the same day at 1130 hours in the presence of the prospective bidders or their representatives who choose to be present. Bids submission on EPADS portal shall entirely be the responsibility of the Applicant. LWMC reserve the right to reject åll bids and to annul the bidding process as per PPRA Rule 35 General Manager (P & C) OtY1ce No. 4&5, 4th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore Tel: 0092-42.99205153-55, Fax: 0092-42-99205156 Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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