Highway Division Faisalabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Restoration Of Improvement ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Namo of work RESTORATION/IMROVEMENT OF TOBA KHIKHA ROAD LENGTH 10.95 KM TEHSIL & DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATIONIIMROVEMENT OF TOBA WARYAM WALA ROAD , LENGTH • 13.10 KM TEHSIL & DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATION IMPROVEMENT OF GOJRAMONGI TO MUNEED WALA ROAD LENGTH -18.10 KM TEHSIL GOJRA DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATIONnMROVEMENT OF ADDA LUNDU PULL TO KAMALA MAMUN RANJAN ROAD, LENGTH - 14.20 KM TEHSIL & DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATION / IMPROVEMENT OF ROAO LENGTH -5.00 KM TEHSIL KAMALIA DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH CONSTRUCTION O OAD FROM GOJRA MOCHIWALA TO CHAK NO. 35' /JB KALYAN OAS ALONG THE MOTORWAY M- 4 (LENGTH TEHSIL GOJRA DISTRICT TOEA TEK SINGH REHABILITATION OF PENSRA. GOJRA TOBA TEK SINGH SHORKOT CANTT ROAD INCLUDING GOJRAA TOBA TEK SINGH BYPASS, LENGTH - 98.30 DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTARATION OF FAISALABAD - SAMMUNDRt. SINDHILIANWALI- HEAD SIDHNAI. ABDUL HAKIM KACHA- KHU- VEHARI ROAD LENGTH 48.50 KM O!STRtCT TOBA TEK SINGH TOTAL recommendation to PPRA and Survey of Pakistan will firm/cantractor for appropriate action/ black listing. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Estlma Cost 0.397 0.424 0.332 0.117 0.066 2.300 1.135 7.933 TS No. & Dato C.E No. HO".T .Sin9W2021/575'P',g. date 31.07.2024 C.E No. HOIT. .S1nqM02t/SUF1g. date 4 No. .SingW202115791%. date 31.07.2024 C.E Nov HOT. .Slngh/2021f5WP1g. date 31.072024 C.E No. HOIT.T .SlngW2021/587Flg. date 31.07.2024 C.E No. HOIT.T .SlnghÆ021/BSOFlg. 29.08.2024 C.E Nc HO/T. .SingtuQ02 t/763F1g, date 15.082024 Order No. SOH- date 30082024 also be made against such No, Name of work Survey and Leveling Of rious Roads in (SDG) & ADP Program 2024-25 Nos. Schemes h 339-02 Estimated Cost In Million 7.933 Earnest Money 2% 0.159 pletion time 15 Days The detail rks is as under: Name of work PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT E.TENDER NOTICE Communication & Works, Department through Highway Division. T.T.Singh intends to tender wt fre following scheme through neviy introduced E-Tendering System, All survey firms are registered with Survey of Pakistan (SOP) can participate in open E.Tendering System. Procurement procedure win strictly be adopted in accordance with PPRA Rules 2014 {amended up to date), Firms can participate in E-Tendering that fulfils the fcd/owing terms & conditions: No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 g R RATIONjIMROVEMENT OF LAHORE JARANWALA FAISALABAD JHANG BHAKKAR DARYA KHAN 0,1. KHAN ROAD. LENGTH -10.00 KM TEHSIL GOJRA OISTRICT TOBA SINGH RESTORATEON!IMROVEMENT OF ROAO FROM KAMALIA SMALI MAMUNKANJAN ROAO . LENGTH 13.20 KM TEHSIL DISTRICT TEK SINGH RESTORATION nMPROVEMENT OF ROAD FROM PIRMAHAL BHUSSI ROAD VIAÅOOAWAGHI LENGTH KM TEHSIL PIRMAHAL DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATION /IMPROVEMENT OF PIRMAHAL BYPASS ROAD LENGTH 5.60 TEHSIL PIRMAHAL DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATION}IMROVEMENT OF GOJRA OUKOT ROAD DISTRICT TOBATEK SINGH ENGTH KM RESTORATION 'IMPROVEMENT PROVINCIALIZATION OF KAMAL-IA JAHAKAR GHUSSI ROAD LENGTH -14.15 KM) TEHSILKAMALIA DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTORATIOWIMROVÉMENT PHATAK AT TOBAGOJRAROAO TO MUREEDWALA ON RAJANA SAMUNOARI ROAO . LENGTH 13.90KMTEHSlL& DISTRICT TOBA TEK SINGH RESTAORATIONIIMROVEMENT OF PIRMAHAL DARKHANA ROAD TO AROTI BYPASS , LENGTH 20,75 KM TEHSIL OISTRICT T08A TEK SINGH RESTORATION / IMPROVEMENT OF KAMALA WAGHI SINDHILIANWAL ROAD LENGTH *12.36 KM TEHSIL PIRMAHAL DISTRICT TOEA TEK SINGH RESTORATION/IMROVEMENT OF TRANOI PHALOR ROAD, LENGTH •15.21 TEHSIL & DISTRICT TOBA SINGH Estimated Cost in Million 0.234 0.309 0.276 0,131 o, 119 0.331 0,325 0-486 oaag 0.356 TS No. & Date C.E No. HOff.T .S"'gM2021/582'Plg. date 3107.2024 C.E No. HO!T.T -Singh/20211577/Plg, date 31.072024 No, HDIT.T Singh/2021j57&Plg, date 31.07.2024 C.E No. HDJT„T *Singh/2021jS85F19i date 31.07.2024 .Singhj202t/'S83/PIg, date 31.072024 HO/T,T date 31.07.2024 C.C No. HOff.T Singh/202t/588'Plo, date 31.07.2024 No, Horr,T .Singh12021/58UtPlg. döte No, HDIT.T date 3107.2024 No. HO/T.T ,SingW2021i576/Plg. date 31-07.2024 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 9, NOTE: 1. According to prevailing Rules of Finance DepartmenQin se the amount ot work exceeding Rs, (M) 5% of the bld price will beypllcable as performance guarantee in addition to quality assurance security. 2. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a Bid or proposal under PPRA Rule-3S (Rejection of Blds). 3. Incase of any publicnocal holiday. the tender shall be received on the next working day. Firm must have proven experience for the last 05 years working in the Punjab Highway Department in capacity of Survey and Mapping Firm. The Swvey Firms must be registered with the Survey of Pakistan. The Firm must not have been involved in habitual litigation against the Punjab Highway Depanment. In case of any litigation, its resolution details must be provided, Firm's annual turnover shall be at least 05 million during the last 3 financial years, Firm must possess the capacity to complete the work strictly in the requisite tirne frame, Failure to do so may result in disqualification/blacklisting and barring from fUture tenders, No Joint Venture shall be allowed. Firms may register themselves on website https://Punjab&procure of Govt. of Punjab by submitting their requisite information. After registration on E-PADS website firms of eligible category may participate in E-Tendering. All intending contractors/ firms have to upload the earnest money in the form of CDR in favour of the Executive Engineer @2% of fr,e estimated' bid cost and fill rates against items of work on the same website upto half hour before the opening date and time of opening of tender. However, original CDR has to be submitted to the tender opening committee on the same day, half haur before the opening of bids otherwise. the firm/ contractor will be disqualified in presence of tender opening committee. 'O.After filling the bids on websitq contractors may attend the office of Commissioner Faisalabad Division Faisalabad on 03.10.2024 at 02:30PM. where all bids will be retrieved and quoted rates/successful bidder will be announced in the presence of Tender Opening Committee- II. In case of submission of any fake information/document such as CORJreceipti the Contractor/Firm will be disqualified from the cu tendering procedure and will be blacklisted to participate ih any tendering process Of CAW Department. Further Exec neer T.T Singh e Ing Engineer Supo Highway Cir le No. 2, Faisalabad. from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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