Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (44) for Replacement,Rehabillation Of Sewerage Line ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Hater and Sanitation Agency (WASAI. Lahore Developmewt Auth«try thereinafter referred to the •Client") Invites bids from SuppPers / CODtNCtOtS registered on eTAOS in category 'O odes (CE•09, CE•IO, ME,06). mer KTN, and PNTN). br • Suyett proarremen shall be nmed out e•PADS oC Punlah Pr«urement Regulatory Authnrity (PTR.A) only Bldeung Domme•MS deWIed requirements terms and tondidnrg Is available for the reøttertd blddett an e•PAOS and Punjab Regulatnry Aulhnray Websie 3 Single startwoenvelap bidding protecittewllbe•dopted. Thellkispreparedlnucotdaore With the Instnaminns 10 the bidding docunwots, must be on e•PAOS on or before 01-10-2024 not later PM Technical Bids will be opened on the same day •n e. PADS at 12:30 PM. Submission hard copies 0Tbids shall nat be acccptcd 4 theshapeofCDR/B"k Guarantee/PO/Demand Dr•R/OaokerCheque except Insurance for an amount Of or estimated 'u 61 r13,32S/• Sitan be uploaded on e•PADS In copy and hard copy 01 the same (in original) be Albmitted In the omce of uule•rsbgted sltvated at XENfOÆ IQBAL TOWN "AS4S4M.4NABADNEAR XIIIZRA MASJID. DOUNGIGRO or bid otherwise bld Shail be rejected, 5. Onlyt«holcally responsive bidder(s) wiltbe bld(5). Financial bid of bidder(s) round technical* nan-responsive shall retnaln ua•opened In the e•PADS. 6. Ifthee•bid or proposal Including record on found corrupt. un-readable or contain virus, the e•bbd or propul shall be r*cted per RepiaUan •W) PP ReguÅti0R$•2024, 7 The bedder shall or PPRA Reptations-2024, The procurement shall made under PPRA 014 and Punjab Procurement Rewations• 2024, 9, The pr«uriag agencymay reject all Orprcpesaisatanytlmepriortotheæceptance ofa bid or prgr«al under Punjab PPRA Rules2014 (Rule-35). IO- Conditional tender WiM not be accepted,' II, No tender via telegraph orby WBIbeactepteåBbd submitted through e•PADS shall orgy be considered 2. Tendered rates and amountihould be filled In figures as well as In words and tenders "uld be signed as per general directions glven in the tender dtxuments- 13. In case the total tendekd amount is equal to or than S% (Five) of the •pwoved estimated (KNIT) amount.the lowest bidderwtll have to deposit QuantyAssuraoceSecurity/ Additional Performance SecurO•.froE1 the Scheduled Bank equal to the •mount of difference between apprwed DNiT.amount nd the quoied bid amunt. 14. In ase, the last date ofbld submission and opening in / wit}'ån the omcial holidays. the last date for submission and opening of the bids 'lull be åe next working day. t S. The tenderer shall up the bld schedule and k•deate the percentage rate above or below the schedule ot rate for •Schedule ttems• on whid' be is willing to undertake each item of work No premium will be quotedby the Nonschedule / Item rates Failtng which the bid Shal! be rejected 16. The b'ds will be vatid for 120 days. 17. dated 04-09-2024) XEN (O&M-III) IQBAL TOWN WASA, LDA, LAHORE o ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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