Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (40) for Procurement Of Sewer,Drains,Cleaning Machinery,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WASA TENDER NOTICE SEWERAGE SYSTEM AT KOT KHAWMA SAEED ROAD GORAY SHAH LAHORE. Water-and Sanitation Agency (WASA). Lahore Development Authority (LDA), (hereinafter referred to as - Client") invites bids from Suppliers / Contractors registered on e-PADS having valid PEC License in category CS with specialization in codes CE-09 & CE-IO, active filer NTN. and PNTN)'. ror 1.- 2. 3. 4. 6- 7. 9, 10. 12, Subieet procurementshall be outthrough e-PADS of Punjab Prueurement Regulatory AuthoriIY (PPRA) only, Bidding Documents containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions is available for the registered bidders on e•PAOS at and Punjab Regulatory Authority (P PRAJ Website hxnuU.-mra.pu.niah.gsay.nK Single stage two envelop bidding procedure w)ll be adOpted. The bids prepared in aecordance with the instructions 'in the bidding documents, must be:esubmitred on e-PADS on or before 01-10-2024. later 12:00 PM. Technical Bids will be openedeon the same day on e-PADS at 12:30 PM. Submission of hard copies of bids shan not be accepted— The Bid Security in the shape of CDR/Bank Guarantee/PO/Dernand Draft/Banker Cheque exeeot. insurance bond Cor an amount or 3% of estimated cost i.e. amounting to Rs. 1732902.55 shall uploaded on e-PADS in söft copy and hard copyofthe same (in original) shan be submitted in the of undersigned situated at P Misri Shah tanore before opening of bid otherwar,e bid shall be rejected. Only technically responsive vhöequalified for opening of financial bid(s). Financial hid bidder(s) found technically non-rcspepSiVeGhall remain un-opened in the e•PADS. If e-bid or proposal écoi'd submitted on the e-PADS found corrupt. un-readable or contain Virus. the e-bid or propospi" all be rejected as oer Regulation •8(4) of PPRA Regulations- zozo. The bidder shall såbm&e-bids roug uploading PDF fileon e-PADS asper Regulation-6(4) of PPRA Regulations-2024. The procurement shall måde uhder PPRA Rules-2014 and Punjab Procurement Regulations•2024v • The procurtng agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the atceptance 0k u bid prorx)sal under Punjab P'RA Rules 2014 (Rule-35). Conditional tender wiltnc&be accepted. No tender via telegraph or by post will be aecepted. Bid submitted through e-PADS shall only be rates mount should be filled in figures as well •s in words and tenders should be signed as per general, diheet/ons given in the tender documents, 1 ncase the tOtå[iendered amount is equal to or less than 5% (Five) of the approved estimated (DNiTj amount, the IOwest bidder will have to deposit Quality Assurance Security / Additional Performance from the Scheduled Bank equal to the amoun€ of difference between approved DNIT amount and the-quoted bid amount. 13. case. the last date of bid submission •nd opening 'falls in / within theotncial holidays. the last for subniSsioo and opening of the bids shall be the next working day. The shall fill up the bid schedule ond indicate the percentage rate above or belowthe schedule Or "Schedule Itemse on which he is willing to undertake each item Of work No premiunv will be by the contractor against Non-Scbeduie / item rates. Failing which the bid shall be IS. The bidswill be valid for 120 days. Estimated cost 57.7±341133 'PI--8742 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (O&M-II), DIVISION SHALIMAR TOWN, O NGpaper1 {S from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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