Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (39) for Procurement Of Sewer,Drains,Cleaning Machinery,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WAM TENDER Water and Sa nitation Agency (WASA), Lahore•Developmcnt Authority (LDA) (hereinafter referred to as thc 'nyltes bids Suppliers / Contractors mistered on having valid PEE IJtense in category or above with specializadonin eodes C•9i C•li acuve mer NTN, and 'REPLACEMENT OF SEWERAGE AT KHUDA BAKSH ROAD GUISHAN-e.RAVl/ LAHORE." 2' Scbfectprocuretnent out through e•PADS of Punjab Procurement Authority (PPRÅ) only. Bidding Documents eontnEnlng detailed requirements, terms cooddons [s available for the regåsteréd bidders on e•PADS and Punpb Authority (PPRA) Website runiab gav.ak 3; SEngle stage IWO envelop bidding procedure will be adopqed. The bids prepared accordance wilh the Instructlous In the bidding documents. must be submitted on e•PAOSnn ar before nothter than 12:00 PH. Technical Bids will be opened on thc same day on e•PADSat 12:30 PMi Submlss/on of hard copies or bids shall not be accepted. 4, Bid Security the shapeofCDR/BankGuaranlee/?O/Dem.and Dnft/Banker Cheque except 'nsurance for an amount Of 3% cost I.e. to shall be uploaded on e•PADS En COPY and hard copy the gme orfgirnl) shall OR: submitted In the Offce ofundM*gned Situated at WAS4 Gonda EnglneStopr Sham NagarRoad Chuburß* Lahore befoæ openlng ofbiå oåtenk'ise bld shall be rejected. 5, Only technItaIEyrespc.nslve (cropenEtiE offinandal bid ofbtdder(s) found tethnlGIty non•resgnnsive shell remain un•opened in the e•PADS, the or R+13dons•2024 7. The bidder shall submit e•blds through up!padjng PDF file on e•PADS as per R$JlaUon.6(4) of Theomcurementshatltnadeunder PPRA Rules•20i4ätidPunJäb 9. The relectatbidså*posalsatanytime prior tothe acceptantéof a bid or proposal under Punlab PPRA Riles 2014 (Rule.3Sb 10. Condillonal tender not II. Notendervia telegraph orby accepted. 8td submitted through e•PADS shall only be consEdered, 12, Tendered rates amoul)t ou as inwordsand tendersshoutd be signed as per gencnl dir3tlons given In the tender documents. 13.111 case the tendered •amount to or less than 5% (Flve} 01 the appmvetl estimated (DNIT) 3111dUnt. {helowesrbiddcr depnsit Quality Assurance Secur11Y / Additional Setvrity thc Eheduied Bankequaf 10 the amount Ofdffference between approve@jNIT amount.and the quoted bld amount, In rase. the l?ÅdalC ofbid submission and opcolng.fall$ En / wttlun,the official holidays thc date and opening the be the working day. the schedu*e Items* on Whyth he to ondenake each wtJ1k Go premium he quoted by the "against Non•Schedule / Item rater. Palling hid iha$be rcrtli.•d. 17. rast TSIssueU vd' dated'• c ewspaper ep, from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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