Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (33) for Procurement Of Waste Water Pumps ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WASA Water and IWASÅ). I.hnre Develoornent Ai"hnrity O.DA) thereinifter referred 10 Ihr • Client') invnes the seated tram SuppUers / Contractors registered on e*KDS valid PEC LKenyt' or above 1m 'Odes (CE-C9, & ME•06) filer OF PPMPS TOWN he e.PÅDS Punlab Procurement Revla10" I only terms and l' at Punpb Regulatory Stage envelop procedure be Tbeb•ds in with the ludding submeued e•PADS cn or JO•09-Z024.001 later tho. 01 •00 PW. be lhe same day e-PADS at OL'30 pg. Bid security in COR/IIjnk! Demand Urart/Banker 5 9, Oeque bond ot Le •muurujngtu Rs shall be uploaded on e•PAOS tn sen well as enpy (In original) c f me shall be submitted belor& wpentng or 01 undersigned Oppos/te 23. Yarn Gulberg, bid shall be rep€ted, tey•hnJCälly resporsree bidd*rts) Ee qualified noeni ( of shalt unopen€d e-PADS, or as of PFM Replations•2024. *PADS as per RegulaUoo.6(4) or PPRA . bids The procurement shall nudeunderPPRA Ove precurtag agency reject 011 b•ds or at any time poor to the acceptance 01 a bid or Punfab PPRA Rules20N( 35), tender Wilt not be accepte•l accepted bids submitted throwgh e-PAOS shall only he tender telegraph or ly post Tendered rates and amoontshuuld fi in and tenders should be signed 3 general direcuons Biven in documems. 12. In ease total tendered equil to Ot less than S% (Five) of the approved estimated (DNrn autuunt. the lo•BÜt bbdder.vilt hue to depasit Qullty ASSLrrance Security / Addtuonl Perfortrønce Sccurny from the Schedu'gg,pank eqaa' to the Of approved ONIT amount the quoted bld amount. submission amd opening IaMs / NithJn the holidays. the iast date 13. In ase. the last date submission of the bids shall be the next day, 14 The tenderer up the bid schedule and Indicate the percentage rate above or below the schedule ul rate for •schedule Items* an which he IS willing to undertake each 'tern NO premium be quoted by the contractor against Nan-Schedule item Otes. Failing which Ibe bid shall be rejected 13 bidsw1N be valid ror 120 d*YS. ITS O IPL-8716 ( 16 Sep, 2024) Newspaper (CH. MAD HUSNA' WASA, LDA, Lahore from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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