Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (32) for Procurement Of Waste Water Pumps ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WASA TENDER NOTICE PROCUREMENT OF WASTEWATER PUMPS FOR AZIZ BHATTI/WAHGA TOWN LAHORE Wncr&bullnd keency (WASAI. Iberelnafier the Invites the sealed from Suppliers contractors regßtered nn PÜ Licemse above CEO O ME&bull061, "TN. arel OF WASTEWATFH FOR 4717. 2 4. 6 7. 9. e&bullTVAOS IPPRAlcnly. Bidding toritailing detaned requirements terms the registered hide rs e&bullPAOS and 'PPRA) Website luu uU-mu.A,nnjab.guy.ub Single Stage two envelop bidding procedure The bids prepred in voch the the be e&bullPhOS on or begorr 30-094024. than 01:00 PM. Technic&bulll Bids will he upenedon the same e&bullPAOS 01:30 PMG not be &bullecepted, The Bld Security in 3h*pr COR/lBank Guarantee/PO/Oem&bullnd Geque except &bullmsuraocebond an ot cl custie RS 8.274,304/, shall he uploaded eFAOS in well as hatd copy orlginaIYUf the same Shall he bctore bid in the office or undersigned situated ag Main shall be repected. ape"O nmnciäl hid 01 Only technically responsive hiddet(sl will be bbddef(sl tetlvttiOlly shall un-opened the e&bullPÅÜS Che e-b:id or propcgl 'r.rlud&bullng record corrupt. ur-readable Ot COOtatn virus. the e&bullbld or proposa shall reiected as pet RegulatlOÄS&bull2024, bidder submit e&bullbids through uploading eon as per RegulatJon&bull6t4) Ot PPRÅ procurement shall made PPRA RNIes&bullZD/4a Punfab Procurement Regulations-ZOZ4 The prx&bulluring agency may rejea an bids or at any prior to the acceptance af bid proposal under Punlab PPRA Rules 2014 Conditional tender be accepted. 10. NO tender via telegraph or by post considered. pted bids submtlted through e&bullPAD5 shall he Tendered rates and atnaont filled in figures as well as fn wards leaders should be gredJN per general ditecti01tS given in documents. 12. In rase the total tendered arnouilt is equal than (Five) or the approved estimated amount the lowest have to deposit quality Assurance Secar y / Additional Perronmnce Security from the Sch Bank equal to the amount oldiffereocebeweenapproved ONIT the quoted bld 13.10 case. the d submission and opening iB / Wllhin lhe Offcfal holidays, thelastdaefr,r submission ap,eiÅnÉ of the bids shaEl be the next working day. 14. The tenderer shall fill the bid schedule and indicate the percentäte rate above or below the rate *Schedule whith he IS to undertake each Item of work No be quoted by contractor against NOn&bullSChedulc / [tem rates. Failing which hid shall be reiectet[ 16. Eslimiledco$l Rs. (T.Sissugd IPL.8716 CH. AHMAD HUSNAIN XEN.II (MAINTENANCE) WASA, LDA, LAHORE. O Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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