Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (31) for Replacement Of Sewerage,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** sn WASA TENDER NOTICE FOR ENDER NO.XEN N REPLACEMEöiT OF SEWERAGE FROM AZMAT CHOWK.TO Wälor und Senanlion Agency (WA$A). (LDA} tnoroinanøt as the GGäled bldg 'rom Supp0hM90Tltractorg raglGtergd on e-PAOS valid PEC PNTN} "REPLACEMENT OF SEWERAGE FROM AZMAT CROWK TO HASSAN BASRI ROAD IN TOWN, LAHORE" 2, Subject procuraneqt shall bo out thaou$' e&bullPADS 01 Puriab procurement Pegutatory 3. 4' 5, 6, 7. 10. 12, 13 t4, 16, Authority IPPRA} 0119. giddtn,a Documents coataning detaßed requimrnen'ts. termg and COOdttOOS is avallebé,e for lhe registered bidders on o&bullPAOS al punjueprocurægov,PK and Pur*b Regulatory AL*hocity (PPflfO v,ƏbGite http'soppta.punjü Single Stage two envelopes bldd[ng procedure WII The bids ptepered in accc«dance With tho hSfruclöns given tho blffding documents, musl bo on e-PAOS on 01&bull10-2024 nol latorlhan Ƈ 2'åOO Noon. bids be oponod an lhO san-:e day cn e-PAOS at 12:30 M.anuat be accapted The Bld Segurlty In Shape or CORIBa,hk Guaraniecut POO&bullomand Cheque except Insurance Band 'or an an-tout'tl of Of estimated i.o. a.rnou.A'th9 10 Ra. snall be upaaded on o-PAOS in soft copy as welt as bald copy fin original) of same Shau Wbtfiiltled jn Iha Offico o! situated at Tankl NO. 3 Ch'ie Center Township Lahore cpenng 01 b4 ortjorwisg the bid shall bg rejected, technically respor'ditve bidderfG} will be qualiiig&bulld rot aperå1GÖD' financial , bid Ot blt4erlS) found tech'iicany nor-rospons&bullvo Ghaf remayn e.oope&bullned in the e-PADS. II the e-b'd or proposal 'nclüdtng rocogd submitted or contain virus the proposal Shall be Regulations-2024. The bidder shall e &bullbidG through uploadin O PPHA Regulations-2024, corrupl' unreadabdo as per Regulation." ot PPRA on O:VPAOS as per Regulation-614) ot Procuranant sha* be maoe undet PPRA 4 Punjab Regulations 2024, The Procunng Agency may an bids åp any Omo prior tome accoptance Of or proposal under Punjab PPRA Rules CCOdltlO&bullnBl' not bo act NO tencer Viä tetagraph or by considerod, accopvod. Bids submitted e&bullPAOS shall Tgnoere&bulld and amou d he lii10d an ligures as well In words and tondot$ smuld be signad as per general given thn (ondor documents. case the total ig equal' to Ot then or approvod astirnated (LJNJT) anwunt, the&bulllowosl bddar have dop05tt auality Assurance Pedo«nance SocyrÄy tho Sch9düBd Bank equøl 10 tho amount ot difference betweon ONIT arid the quotod Old amount, In case. lasiøato of bid submission and openlog taas ntRilhh {hö Officlal t&ßdays, last dato oporUnn ot bldg Shal' bu tho next workjne dey- Tho ten.dorGihall tili up bid and porconlaqo above ar bobw the BC:heduIO for "Schedule on which ha willing&) Of No prenum Wii' bo quoed by the against Non-SgheduWltom mtos, v*'lch bld ghall be relaeted Tho bddß will be valld fo« 120 dnyg. Estimated Coot R'. 83鬖.50W., (SHAMAS Avoun OUJJARI EXECUTIVE DIVISION NISHTER TOWN WASA LDA LAHORE IPt..fl746 O Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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