Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (30) for Procurement Of Waste Water Pumps ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WASA NOTICE FOR TFNDF.R NO. pasng.m /6766 nF SEWER {DRAINS FOR TOWN. Water Santt*'non Agency Oevelcvment tLDAj &einafter relMted to the bids from Manufactures/ / repe:ered on e•PADS Vith FUR a PRA Filer KT'Ki PNTN), TROCUREMFNT OF SEWER'DRAINS CLEANING MACHINERY FOR RAVI TOWN, 2. 3. 4. 6, 7. Subject procurement stgll be through Punjab Regulatory (PPRA)onIy. Bidding Ooa1rnant5 detailed requlæme;nz, terpis and for the registered bidders an it and ?uoiab [P PPA) Website qage two envelop tiddtng procedure be adopted The bid' prepared With the the bidding toust be EJbnultted oa e•PADS on Ot befort 01-100024, not later 01:45 PM. Tethmica,l Bids be apen•d nn the e-?ADS it 02;1S PH. Submission ofhard copies afb:idssilan IKttbe •aepteå Bid Security in the shape Of Guarantee/PO/Demai:l On.ft/Banker Cheque insurance bond an amount of 3% of et'itnated cost i.e. to Rs, 3630,CW/•, be uploaded cn *PADS uld copy ofüuamelin be sutmitted tn ante Of undersigned Sfftnted at Lahore before of bid othen«se bid éa.L be technically be qaa3åed of ffnanci*l bid(s). Finncid bid cd bil%erfs) found tet.hnialb' shall in fre e-bid or prep•tG3 Including record submitteiiöé' the e-PADS toußd compt, un•regdåle or as PPM Regulations- contain virus. the *bid cr proposal shall 2024. PDFdJe Regulatiou•6ß) of PPRA 9. The bids bid ot proposal under Punjab PPRA Rules 2014 (R&-3Sb 10. Canditienal tender 11. Nc tender telegraph" by pcst be Bid submtffte:d through BFADS be Should he Ned l.n (tgures as to —'and-tenders should be sign& 12, Temiered rates - as per general directions given in dccumeras €13. tn titatendered amount Is equal tc ot less than (Five) c,ffie estimated (DNtTj amounL the lowest bidder will have to depo'it Quality Assurance Security / Addltio•nal Pefi•mnme Sea.z&y from the Scheduled Bank equal to the amount of dflerence between "Proved DNIT amount and dl,e quoted bid amount. - 14. lagdat*for and opening af the bidssha!l be the next working day. 15. The shall fill up the bid schedule kid.iczte percent* above orbelow schedule ofrgte •schedule ttems• on which he (5 undertake each No be quoted b'the *inst Nonmedulef Failing be bids be valid for 120 days Dyputy Managing Director (Engg) c ews paper ep, from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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