Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (28) for Replacement Of Sewerage Systems,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** unsn WASA TENDER NOTICE REPLACEMENT OF SEWERAGE AT ROAD GULSHAN.E-RAVI, LAHORE and Ageng IWASAL Lahote One'apment referred to •s •ttlent') reØqered e•PÅDS hawng in C.' codes, C•9, C, 10 C• l, liler NTN, and fr,r 'REPUCEMENT OF SEWERAGE AT KAWAR ROAD GULSHAN.E.RAVL LAHORE' be e•PADS Of (PPQAI Ihument* contalgtitvg detoued requiremenø, terms and condit#.qu thc reisrered bhders OR e-PAOS at Pu*b«yAuthorfty 3. t*•• envelop bådd'nq pnedute will adopted. The prepared sn *4th the Instructionsln ffe blgB1ng tkxumeots,must be sub•mhted on *PADS on 0140-20.24* not later 12100 PH, TechldC*l Bids be opened on the satne 4. 5. 7. 9, day gn e•PADS 17=30 FM. Subntlss'on aples Tgfbfds oat he accepted. in shape GE*.oteeÄ/Dtmand aeque bond bran amount 043% cost 'e, to 6341330/' on e-PAD5 In copy same (In original) be In WAS* of Nd otiutwi*bld Shal' be '*jested. wiEl be quaæ of Nd(s). shall remain In ffe e•PADS. The bddder Shal] submit e•blds uploading PDF me on e-PADS PuNab Prtnz:ranent . he agency may all propels at th'fte pdorto acceptance a hid ptopcal under Punjab PPRA Ruin 2014 (Rale•35). 10. tender not be 11 NO tender telega ph orby will be accepted. submitted PADS shall only be roasidemd. Tendera:i amoüntkhould be in figures •s well as in and tenders should be signed as per gener" given in the trader documents, 13.10 ase the total amount is equal to or than 5% Of the approved (DN") amount. the lowest bidder *dll have to deposit Quality Asuance Seariw / AddEUOMl PU'forman.ceSecurlty equal to amount of approved DMT amount and the quoted btd 14, lastdate ofbld and openlng falb En / within ute omcEal holidays. eve last dute for submi%lon and opening of the idds be the nextwoNSag day. ISL The Shall up the bld schedule and the percentage rate below the "hedu!e of rate •schedule Item.s• on whEch he is Wtlil:ng to undertake each Of work No premtum be quoted by frie contractor against Nonschedule Item rates•. Failing which the bid shall be rejected. 16. The bids will be valld 120 days, 11. Estimated 0+09.2024, Gunj Buksh Town WASA, LDA, LAHORE IPL-8737 c Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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