Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (28) for Replacement Of Sewerage  Systems,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** unsn WASA TENDER NOTICE REPLACEMENT OF SEWERAGE AT ROAD GULSHAN.E-RAVI, LAHORE and Ageng IWASAL Lahote One'apment referred to &bulls &bullttlent') reØqered e&bullPÅDS hawng in C.' codes, C&bull9, C, 10 C&bull l, liler NTN, and fr,r 'REPUCEMENT OF SEWERAGE AT KAWAR ROAD GULSHAN.E.RAVL LAHORE' be e&bullPADS Of (PPQAI Ihument* contalgtitvg detoued requiremenø, terms and condit#.qu thc reisrered bhders OR e-PAOS at Pu*b«yAuthorfty 3. t*&bull&bull envelop bådd'nq pnedute will adopted. The prepared sn *4th the Instructionsln ffe blgB1ng tkxumeots,must be sub&bullmhted on *PADS on 0140-20.24* not later 12100 PH, TechldC*l Bids be opened on the satne 4. 5. 7. 9, day gn e&bullPADS 17=30 FM. Subntlss'on aples Tgfbfds oat he accepted. in shape GE*.oteeÄ/Dtmand aeque bond bran amount 043% cost 'e, to 6341330/' on e-PAD5 In copy same (In original) be In WAS* of Nd otiutwi*bld Shal' be '*jested. wiEl be quaæ of Nd(s). shall remain In ffe e&bullPADS. The bddder Shal] submit e&bullblds uploading PDF me on e-PADS PuNab Prtnz:ranent . he agency may all propels at th'fte pdorto acceptance a hid ptopcal under Punjab PPRA Ruin 2014 (Rale&bull35). 10. tender not be 11 NO tender telega ph orby will be accepted. submitted PADS shall only be roasidemd. Tendera:i amoüntkhould be in figures &bulls well as in and tenders should be signed as per gener" given in the trader documents, 13.10 ase the total amount is equal to or than 5% Of the approved (DN") amount. the lowest bidder *dll have to deposit Quality Asuance Seariw / AddEUOMl PU'forman.ceSecurlty equal to amount of approved DMT amount and the quoted btd 14, lastdate ofbld and openlng falb En / within ute omcEal holidays. eve last dute for submi%lon and opening of the idds be the nextwoNSag day. ISL The Shall up the bld schedule and the percentage rate below the "hedu!e of rate &bullschedule Item.s&bull on whEch he is Wtlil:ng to undertake each Of work No premtum be quoted by frie contractor against Nonschedule Item rates&bull. Failing which the bid shall be rejected. 16. The bids will be valld 120 days, 11. Estimated 0+09.2024, Gunj Buksh Town WASA, LDA, LAHORE IPL-8737 c Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 16 September, 2024
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