Punjab Highway Department Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB RICRWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Thc tenders tae f.oilovuug schemes arc nntcd from Engarccruag Erms/coatracto:rs on the Itcn rates basis, as PPRA E•Tendefi1g "stem, inline with relevant PPRA Ruks Gnierded up to date). to all the in tendering Ftccess nrrwi„ng and conditjoas:• 1. intending who hate ben ressteted with kH$tan Engineering CNnei1 ii the relevant catepey/ccdes tuy garticipate. 2. The Fas to be reötered Arty regarding registratitn be seenjobt*ined fr«n 'Rbsite intending contractc«sj firms hait to upload cartrst tmncy CDR in fmoar d the Executive Engineer the estimated/ cmt fill rates aæinst items work cm the website upto half the ope.ning date and time Of OFting Otüind CDR has to be submitted to the ter&r opening committee oa szne day, half hwar befcte the coenelg d bHs the fünl contractor rill disq.n.hfxd in presence d tender OFting omni t tee. 4. uter NIing the bds web6ite, contractors may attend 06ce Of Coatrriss;ioner 30/09/2024 at I IBO AN, where all bdsuill be retrieved and qt»ted tates/su«essfulbidder gill be arnt:nmced in the p«sence olTeoder Oßaing Committee, 5. In case 01 Of any such as COR!receipq, the will be disqu*ified fran the cu tendering pttxedure and will be buck Ested to participate in any pnxess of COW Department, to PPRA and PEC be made such firm 'contractor appropriate action/ listing 6. The procurÜtg agency may reject all prop:tsal at any time to 01 a 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l:rcqxsals undet PPRA RWe•35 Rejection Bdsi. awnst credit d material •ill be adjwted amuaEy and accordingly bids be Spetül Metazed rmd Chai '085/A to Adda 87A to Rahim Khan (Lengh: Abbasia Aril* 861? to Nunaw•at Spccül &pat of Re-dcckl.g 0b Latran - Meet> Road Pwc:• Lana Repair R.e•deeking d at Grid Station to wab rcød Specil ccastructr•n at Shaha te Jihdu Rced B-idge an Canal Stahi to 72'? gamalahd Repair an Canal Shhi *pair Abbasia Canal Shahi to Basti Jam Red Repar ot Wing wans. parapet Tehsil Liaquatpur Dim-t Yat Khan *pak o!' Bridges Highvay Sub S*tül Of Metal*d to Shahi"bai In Km 1%.08 Liaquatpur Executuve Engineer CES No. SEW Completion 04-Months Ol-Month 02. ths 02.Months 01-Month OJ-Month Ol.Month Ol•Month •Month IPlF@2 Cost/ Eamest 7.57m. IT.2g.u. aloo. Date a Tine 30.02024 11.30AM 3009.2024 11.30AM 30.092024 11.30AM 3009-2024 11,30AM 30 09.2024 11.30AM 3009.2024 30.09-2024 11.30AM 3009-2024 11,30AM 30.02024 11.30AM 11.30 AM 3009.2024 11.30AM Highway CG'hsion, Rahim Khan Superntending Engineer Highway Circ4e, Bahaælput Newspaper ( -14 bep, zuz4) from Nawaiwaqt dated 14 September, 2024
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