Punjab Buildings Department Multan Tender Notice for Program For Provision Of Missing Facilities In Newly Upgraded Colleges Of Nursing,,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE "Ille tenders tor the following schemes are invited from engineenng firms/contractors on the item rates basis, as per PPRA E-Tendering System, in line with relevant PPRA Rules (amended updated), According to these Rules all the finns/contractors can participate in tendering process with following terms and conditions, 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. 8, The intending Contractors/Finns who have been registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant category/codes may participate, The Contractors/Firms has to be registered on (, Any information/procedure regarding registration can be seen/obtained from website ppm.punidi'b. pk/c-prpeurement- All intending contractor/firms have to upload the earnest money in the form of CDR in favour of Executive Engineer Buildings Division, Vehari @ 2% of the estimated/bid cost and fill rates against items of work on the same website upto half hour before the opening date and time of opening of tender. However, Original CDR has 10 be submitted 10 lhe tender opening committee on the same day, half hour before the opening of bids otherwise, the firm/contractor will be this disqualified in presence of tender opening committee. After filling the bids on website, contractors may at Division, Multan on 25/09/2024 02:00 w rates/successful bidder will be announced in the he office of Commissioner Multan II bids will be received and quoted of tender opening committee, In case of submission of any fake inf lipn/document such as CDR/receipt, the Contractor/Firm will he disqualified from tendering procedure and will be black listed 10 participate in any tendering process of Depafl[ltent. Further lecommendation 10 PPRA and PEC will also be made against suc contractor for appropriate action/black listing- proposal at any tune prior 10 acceptance of a Bid or The procuring agency may reject all pn-jposals under PPRA Rule-35 (Re' c!jon of Bids), Rigid Pavement shall laid by $ing concrete batching plant and concrete paving machine. Recovery against credit of 01 evaluated. Name of Work ferial will he adjusted manually and accordingly bids will be T.SN0. & Date CE South Zone 539/Dev, Lit: 02-09-2024 Completion Period 06-Months Estimated Cost/Earnest Money 35.037 (M) Rs.701000f- I Program for Provi of Missing Facilities in Ne€lYUpgraded Colleges of Nursing in Punjab One at Colleg of Nursing & Hostel at DHQ Hcspital, Vehari) Gmup No. 02 (ADP No, 307/2024-25) Opening Date & Time 25-09-2024 Closing time atOl,30PM Time at 02:00 PM Superintending Engineer, Buildings Circle, Multan IPL No. 8753 O Newspaper ( 12 Sep, 2024) Executive Engineer Buildings Division Vehari from Businessrecorder dated 12 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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