Central Power Generation Company Limited Guddu Tender Notice for CCTV,Cameras Installed,Monotoring Maintenance,Repair Upgradtion Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CENTRAL POWER GENERATION COMPANY LTD. GUDDU GENCO-II TENDER NOTICE FOR INVITATION TO BID Tender No. & sr.No. Sections Descnption of Services Last Date of Issue of tender No.CEOfCPGC The CCTV Guddu. The 01 L/Addl.MlSec.)/ work is required for Monitoring, Maintenance, Repair 2709.2024 & Up-gradation of CCTV system for 365 days. Last Date & Time of Receivin bid 3009.2024 14.OOHrs- Date & Time of Opening of bid 30.092024 Bidding documents containing detailed terms and conditions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification / rejection of bids, performance guarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders can be requested from Valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council for the period 2024-2025having valid proof of Renewal under speaalized code of PEC i.e. (EE-02$ EE-07} along with necessary requirements as per PEC rule. Valid FBR and SRB registraticn- Bidder should provide affidavit that Firm iS not involved in malpractice and never black listed The bidder should have an average turnover of Rs. 02 Millan attach the Bank Statement for evidence. The bidder should have oompleted at least 01 project of similar nature v,ork, Successfully within lest 02 yeary, attach work order for evidence. 01 02 03 04 05 Eligibility of Contractors ender Cost,'Fee: Prpposal Earnest Money (Each Tender) documents can be purchased from; 2. 3. 4. 5. "i@QäiGhGüNÖh-refundabIe). Rs-20001- and by post Rs-2500/- The Bid (T-04) sh?ll pf single stagejsingle envelope procedures as per PPRA Rule 36(a). @ 3% of the total value of the bid the form of Call Deposwgank Draft;gank Guarantee (refundable) drawn in favor of "Centrel Power Generation Company Limited" •l. O'OC-E O. Guddu-l<ashmore Pakistan Tel- (Direct) Fax No 2 3. 010 CEO, Genoo Holding Company Limited, 12 Floor, OPF Building, Sector G-5/2, Shahrah-e- damhunat-)slamabad, Tele No 051-9217601, Fax N Oil' 217602 hief ResideniRepresentative Wapda, C-26, Bback-5, Sardar Ali Sabri Road, Gulshan Tele No.021-34823591-95 The bids, prepared in accordan with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at the office of Manager (Material Management, CPGCL, GENCO-II, Guddu on or before opening date as shown against each tender. Bid will be opened on the same day at 14.30hrs. The advertise- ment is also available PRA website at Note: I -In case Government announces any public holiday or due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender will be opened on next working day. 2. The C.E.Q CPGCL reserves all right to reject tender in the light of PPRA Rules 33(1) I.ß-wl Chief Engineer/T.D For Chief Executive Officer Genco-II, Guddu from Businessrecorder dated 12 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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