District Council Lodhran Tender Notice for Provision Of Machinery,Vehicles Renatl Basis,Pna Flexes,Streamers,Banners ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL LODHRAN strictcouncill dhran ail. No. 497 /DCL/<B Dated:-05 / 09 /2024 TENDER NOTICE (FRAMEWORK CONTRACT) OISTRICTSOUNC'L LODHRAN District Council Lodhran intends to call sealed item rate quotations as per PPRA Rules for its fouowing framework Contract for FY 202Z-25 according to the market rates from the suppliers having NXN, STRN numbers and Professional Tax certificate. on the fOllowing terms and conditions; the bid documents are available on and PHA website. giddirg Shaw be Virgugh CPAOs Singe state two envelope •s specified in PP8A Rvaes 2014. shall fill all the required in the documents and 3. 4. g. 9. 16, the bi61iog before iti Su&rtissions the ENDS, The big d ocurnent be submitted an the date publication to Sid SecutiityÆarnest rt•tot-tey• the against eoth lot •eith bidding 06 EPAOs vina' CCR be submitted in the gdfice of District after submivsic•n of bid an EPAOs before date. ot bid be the received technical bids be ogened EPAO•S •Ot' Cestrict Count* L.adhtbtt by bidders or their auth.arired qualified be intitn•ted bids Will be given date time on EPAOS. price items the given be at 01:CO the of "in the of of to evaluate the bid. it is compu%oo• all partit•arit" bioders to quote number well in each item the geescnbed price schedule ducuments. Rites. in torm Shan be rejected. The previded be of t Canda:ional, un•signed, cutting. and deubtful rejected, P' rfarrnancg a rantee be Gow Rv.'es ang as in the biddin•s docu m ent5. The cg«npetent Authc•hty øetiOd completig•n bidd er. bidder to whom an their dwt' •t to the / acceptance the Work Orde after approval of rates Of th.e lowest issued be to conduct the required quality control All other as in bidding Stand •ppbtable. Of doc:urnents Shall considered, A cg«npletr af Documents be purchased by an interested bidder submission af a written 'bave arnee and upon payment af a refundable fee of RS. 10000"- alcogwith CNIC and Othel dot-untenu the bank Of NO. tb'E'PRA Rules 2014. bids or proposals at anytime griot or bid Of with *ins rea son. can be 03 n•taeted office hgur*. formation, District Officer and of items Lot NO. Services lot No, Of rnazhinery District Ccwi*il Lod vehicles on rental fuel and framework Contract The detail of items in the Framewod Contract are as below;• LOT NO. SUPPLY AND FIXING OF MISC. ITEMS Estimated Unit Rate per sft. per sft. per sft. 6.cnoaog 2. Item Name Pana flexes Streamers Banners O Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 11 September, 2024
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