District Council Attock Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE DISTRICT COUNCIL ATTOCK District Council, Attoek intends to call percentage/ item rate tenders on EPADs as per PPRA rules for its following scheme according to the TS rates (as MRS 1st Biannual 2024) from the contractors. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The bid documents are available on EPADs and PPRA Website. The bid document shall be submitted on EPADs from the date Of pu atio to 26.09.2024 at 1±00 All the received bids will be opened on same date at 1 OO p e office of District Council Attock by the tender opening committee in the prese authorized representatives. It is compulsory on all participating contractors to quo of vailable contractors or their tes in number well as in words on above or below the estimate on percentage basis/ item te b?SIS- If the contractor's quoted lowest tender rates are 5% of the estimated cost, the lowest bidder shall bound to deposit additional perf nee security from the schedule bank upto percentage quoted below TS estimate (includin deposit at the time Of tendering) within 15 the required amount, his 5% deposit call will be days Of issuing of notice. If he does not depo forfeited by the District Council, and proce -tendering will be initiated. District Council and his tender rates with this action cannot be hgt ged in any court of law. Conditional, un-signed, in-complete, rejected- The (Competent A acceptance of the Tender rates. , over written and doubtful bids will be dealt as may reject all bids at any time prior to the approval/ e successful contractor, he has to make the agreement with When Acceptance letter is is e department on stamp paper ue specified by Government within fourteen days for issuance Of Work Order Time period for completi Of the lowest bidder. ach project will be mentioned in Work Order after approval Of rates 10. The contractors who wor orders are issued are bound to conduct the required quality control on their own expenses The Details of t work to be tendered areas below: Sr.N0 1. Name of Scheme Rehabimtion / Reparing of Main Path Burhan Railway Station Road Remaining Portion Village Burhan Tehsil Hassan Abdal District Attock BY the order of Adminißtrator District Council, Attock O Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) Estimated Cost TSNo. & Date 04-09.2024 Dist Earnest 100000/- r Council Attock from Ppra dated 11 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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