Buildings Division Lahore Tender Notice for Addition,Alternation & Improvement Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Tenders based on item rates are hereby lor the works mentioned below frun the contractors firms enlisted renevaed with Pakistan Engineering Council for the Currant Financial Year 2024-25 in the relevant category. The procurement is to be out through EPADS IE-PaF Acquisition and D[sposgl Sv*ernJ Punjab Proturen•.ent Regulatory Authority {PPR.A} developed by PITB onty. All Interested applicants are required to registered on EPADS to be Ellglble for participation. Tender Notice Tender Occument containing detailed requrement terms and conditions are available lhe registered bidders on EPADS at and Punjab Procuretnent Regulato«y Authority {PPRA) website http:llppra.puma> The Tender dccuments ccmpnsing the ONIT must be submnted on EPADS as pet the date time mentioned betOW- Manual bids be accepted, The paspective bidders are to subnit earnest money in the form of a COR / Bank Draft I Of any schedule bank at 2% 01 the estimated cost to the office of the Executive Engineer, 65 Buildings Oivi$icn, Lahcte befcce the deadline for submission od bid on website, Conditional tenders and lenders not accompan±d with earrest money shag be rejected, Thc precuring agercy may reject all bids Of prcgcsalS at any time prior to the neptance of a bid or proposal as pet PPRA rules. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted bid ct proposal, the grounds its rejection of all bids proposals, it not required to justify those grounds. No. Namo of Works 2 Estimated COSt 3 Aj%iticn ; Alteration 1. GORM Ferozpur (Resdence No D-25). Adda±rt 1' Alteration & GOR-VI (Residence NoD-18). Addicn J' Alteration & Ferozpur 3. GOR.VI (Residence Ad&åcn Alterauon & 4. Ferozpur (Residence No.O-12}. In•orovenent Works in Road, Lahore. Improvemmt wo Road. Improvement in Roa Lahore. lmprovement Works in Lahore. Addition I Improvement Wcds in 5. GCR-VI Road. Lahcte. (Residerce A"ibon I Al&ration & Ircprowement Wads in 6. GORs, Lat•tcte. (Residence No;G-4E}, date for submission bid on website Opening of bids Earnest Money 2% of estimated cost 4 Rs.40COO/. Rs,8COOO/- Rs.200CO/. Rs.60COO/- Rs.80000/- TS No. & Date 5 No.1461i'D No.146YO dt16.OB-24 No.1465/D dt16.08-24 dl'16-08-24 No.1469D dt16-08-24 dt16-08-24 Time Limit 6 30-days 30•days 30.days 30.days 30-days 30-days 05-10-2024 till 12:00 PM 05-10-2024 at 2:00PM Note onnouncetl Government next worklnq dav for from Ppra dated 11 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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