District Council Lodhran Tender Notice for Provision Of Machinery,Vehicles On Rental Basis With Fuel And Driver,Pana Flexes,Streamers,Banners,Lime Stone,Powder,Iron Direction Board,Dust Bin,Auto Rickshaw ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL LODHRAN [email protected] No. 687 /DCL/GB Dated:- 05 / 09 /2024 TENDER NOTICE (FRAMEWORK CONTRACT) DISTRICT COUNCIL LODHRAN District Council Lodhran intends to call sealed item rate quotations as per PPRA Rules for its following Framework Contract for FY 2024-25 according to the market rates from the suppliers having NTN, STRN numbers and Professional Tax Certificate, on the following terms and conditions; 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 8, 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18, 19. The bid documents are available on EPADs and PPRA website. Bidding shall be conducted through EPADs and the method will be single Stage two envelope as specified in PPRA Rules 2014. Bidder shall fill all the requlred forms/tables provlded In the bidding documents and shall also stamp/sign the bidding documents before its submlssions on the EPAOs. The bld document shall be submitted on EPAD$ from the date of publication to 30—09-2024 at 12:00 prn. Bld Security/Earnest money in the form of CDR as mentioned against each lot shall be uploaded along with bidding documents on EPADs and original CDR shall be submitted in the office Of District Council Lodhran after subrnission Of bid on EPADs before closing date. In case Of non-compliance bid Shall be rejected. All the received technical bids will be opened on EPADs on 30-09-2024 at pm in the office of District Council Lodhran by the tender/quotation opening committee in the presence Of available bidders or their authorized representatives. Technically qualified bidders will be intimated as per process for opening of financial bids and financial bids will be opened on the given date and time on EPADs. A lump-sum price for all items in the given Lots shall be calculated to financially evaluate the bid. It is compulsory on all participating bidders to quote unit rates in number as well as in words against each item on the prescribed price schedule provided in the bidding documents. Rates filled in any Other form shall be rejected, The rates provided shall be inclusive Of all the Govt. Taxes. Conditional, un-signed, in-complete. cutting, over written and doubtful bids shall be rejected. Performance guarantee shall be applicable as per prevalent Govt. Rules and as mentioned in the bidding documents. The competent Authority may reject all bids at any time prior to the approval / acceptance of the rates. Time period for completion will be mentioned in Work Order after approval of rates of the lowest bidder. Successful bidder to whom work order is Issued will be bound to conduct the required quality control tests on their own expenses. All other clauses as provided in bidding documents shall stand applicable. In case of arithmetical/typing mistake, original documents shall be considered. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by an interested bidder on submission of a written application to the above office and upon payment of a non• refundable fee of Rs. 10000/- along with CNIC and other relevant documents in the bank of Punjab Account NO. 65101011903Q7. According to PEPRA Rules 2014, 35(1) the procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal with giving reason. For more information, Distritt Officer I&S) Caribe contacted duri the office hours. Particulars Lot No. supp and fixi of misc. items Procurement of Services for ,NOi 2 provision Of machinery / District Council Lodhran through yehicles on rental basis (with fuel and Framework Contract driver / erator The detail of items he Framework Contract are as below:- LOT NO. 1: SUPPLY AND FIXING OF MISC. ITEMS Estimated cost 10 Million 120 Million Unit Rate Per sft. Per sft. Per sft. Per 40 k Per No. Earnest mon 6000000 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Item Name Pana flexes Streamers Banners Limestone Powder Iron Direction Board Installation of Dust Bin LOT NO. 2: PROVISION OF MACHINERY / VEHICLES ON RENTAL BASIS (WITH FUEL AND DRIVER / OPERATOR) Sr. No, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Name Auto Rickshaw (Loader) Excavator Machine Tractor H draulic Trolle Tractor with Loader Tractor with front blade Chief Officer IPL-8645 Unit Rate Per Da Per Da Per Da Per Day Per D Administrator District Council Lodhran District Council Lodhran o Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) from Express dated 11 September, 2024
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