Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Stationery,Computer Stationery ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** LDA PLAZA, EDGERTON ROAD, NEAR AIWAN.E.IQBALI LAHORE TENDER NOTICE NO.03/2024-25 The Punjab Public Semice Commissioni Lahore {PPSC} invites sealed bids eligible and qualified firmÜccmpanies Tor the supply Computer Stationary and General Stationery items at its Head Offa located at 3rd FICOfi LOA Plaza. 7• Edgerton Road, Lahore, The procurement will be out in accordance wdh the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 14), 1. Oetailof Procurement: items Narte R•.4å.OCe.CiOO'- 2. didders must be registered With relevant Registration Autho«ities and Tax Departments {Income Tax. Sales Tax. Punjab Seles Bidders must not be blacklisted ot debarred by any government organization or International agency. diddetS must have a poven record 01 General Stationery and Computer Stationery items to government orlarge private cognizations, Evaluation Of tender Shallbe item wise. 3. Contact Person: any query regarding bidding documents lhe bidder may contact with Mt. Muhammad Akbar. Superintendent {Adrnn). PPSCi Contact No. 042• 99202748.042-9202737 [email protected] 4. complete bidding document must bc signed stamped and in coaptete contotmity with Tender Documents must submitted online on E•Päk Acquisition and Disposal System IE•PADS} wobsite i.o,. https:l/Punj•b.oprocure.goupk tilt date 27-09-2024 at 11:00 A.M and bids shall be opened on27-09-2024at12:15P.M. 5. Bid Security: A." bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securityol 2% ofthe total bid price in the tormofaCDR. 6. Procurement Procedure: The procurement be conducted as pot the Procedure in accordance with Punjab Procurement Rubes 2014, 7. BidValidity: Bids Shan valid fOt90 days the date opening. 8. Period: Successful bidder WiM have to completåpiovide General Stationary and Computer Statonery items cn stipulate#eriod after issuance of Purchase Older (Supply Order} at consignee p? ss. 9. Curroncy; Rates Should be mentioned in P083upees with andwithout GST. Hcm•ever. GST will be Charged separately, Acquisition Of Bidding Documents: Interested eligible(biddet can participate through e-procutement immediately available I l. Important Notes: Bidders are advised to ensure uploading thc Bid on E-PADS Portal' well before the suomiSSiondeatnne, Bid submission on E•PADS Pottal shall ontirety be the responsibility Of the bidder. PPSC Shall not be responsible for any issues thevelore. For any assistance regarding E•PAOS Portal. bidders can contact at: 03004970303 & 042.99202491. In case of an Official hobday on the daygl submjssjon„ the next working day be treated as the The PPSC reserves the right to accept ot reject any all bids or proposals as per Rulo 35 01 the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014, without assigning any reason thereof. Bidders are ad vised to read all instructions catelultytjefore submitting their bids. The Punjab Public service Cornmissicn will not be responsible 'Ot ony cost or expense incurred oy Bidders in connection with thc preparation or delivery cd Bids. (SECRETARY) IPL-8611 UAN: 042-111-988-722 Tel: 042-99200161. 99200162. Website: www.ppsc.gogypk c ews paper ep, from Thenews dated 11 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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