Municipal Committee Mirpur Mathelo Auction Notice for Auction,Cattle Pound,Wallar Fee,Cattle Piri Dalali Fee Or Lecense ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUBLIC NOT CE OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE MIRPUR MATHELO DISTRICT GHOTKI AUCTION NOTICE ay viitue Of Sindh LOCal councils (Auctioning O' Collection rights} Rules, 2016 the auction of lh0 f01towjng Taxosfoo of Municipal Comrmttco Mirpur Vatneto to give coaection right for the year 2024-2025. (01-7-2024 to 3006-2025} will be held under the Chairmanship Ot Chairman Auction Cart'"'tittee / Chia•l MuniCipaJ Officer, Municipal Committeo Mirpur Matnero on 23.092024 at 11.00 a.m. in the office od Municipa Committee Mirpur MathOlO, In case Of non-response from parties or any Other way. the auction could not be held oa the above dato. tho dato auction 25-09-2024 and 2709-2024 at 11.00 mm. 2nd and time to auction. No. 2. 3- 5. Kina ot Tax Cattle Pound wanar Fee Fee OR oconso for Recovery of Oarali Recovery o' Advertisement Officia Bid for year 2024-2025 20.0001. SO 9.73+ 25,coo,'. 150.000'. 2.000'. 15.C00,/- Terms & Conditions: 2. 3. 4. 5- 6. The parties can in open auction by depositing security deposit in the Shape Of pay ordeqggmarvd draft Of the amount Shown against each contract. The Authorized o! Person and Chiog Municipal Officer. Municipal the right to reject any or an the bids without assigning Committee Matheqo reason at notice. Tho other dotails:oCtno contracts bo had from tm cdfico ot tm Taxation Officer. MC Mi:pur heto on any working day. The ded cannot take part ih open auction. The successor bidder will be abiding to pay Income Tax and Sales Tax as per government POI icy. In case 01 AuthOfiZOd Of Council Person and Chiot Munjepal Officer, Municjpat Committee Mirpur Mathelo is out hears quartecor there is any Oistrict„ Provincta.j„ Feeeraa HOIiday on lhe day Of Auction, the auction will be herd the next CHIEF MUNICIPAL OFFICER MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE INF.KRY.28SS.24 MIRPUR O Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 11 September, 2024
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