Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited Lahore Tender Notice for Earth Rod 16 mm Dia 3m Long,Connector 95mm Sq,Pg Clam For Rail,Cad Weld Cartridges Type A,Annunciation Blocks8-Window110vDc,132Kv Steel Tubular Pole Type Spa ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Conserve Electricity to Reduce Load Shedding INVITATION TO BIDS LESCO ('l.a.h«e E'ec;trz S.u:nty Cc«npanyi, invites sealed tidS nath-oal Convetitiee Biddh,g IP•iC8) basis crigina.l manufæturetsr authoreec estritutc«s l' suppliers valid manutÆturer'S ccntra&s etc. legistered with«ne Tar & Sales lax Oepartrnents and havi19 "pte-qua.lifjcatm.$enetal Order Supplies registrati;n fc« C' 'Obmuinq materiaj to WAPOA'UICIC Specifjcatixt lamerjded to date) thrcur$l coen ten&l per the quantity'. under t ESCOS local funds FCS basis to Consignee •s Sic«e LESCO Chichokimallian Oist"ct Sheikhupura], Description 01 Material NCB 31.5140 MVA 132 kV Circtlit Breakers with SSS RCB 665.'PMIJ NCB 132kVCT '200'600MY5W5Ator1.ine NCB NCB 132 w Potential 11 kV Lightening Arrestors 669++111 NCB RP.4 670,'PML1 NCB KVCapacitorC.ci1s200KVAR ffift.åöaéitk/r Unit Qty. NO. oate & Till* 18-1042024 NO. 4 at am at am at am at 10.00am at 10.00 am 22 5 3 1313 No, 841 671/PML1 672,'At1J 6771'PMIJ NCB NCB 681/PMt1 6aæp,MIJ 68." ,'PMI.I 688,'PMU 689,'PMIJ 690.'PMlJ NCB 695.'PM11 700,'PMLl 701 'iPMlJ as pet spec as NCB ; Control Came mm sq RCB kVS'C 1000 Powercable 15kVSC500MCMPowercawe It kV tooo Kit It kV 500 MCM Termination Kit NCB 11 kV UC 0/0 Termination Kit AWG (3,'Cote 37,083 Straight Jcints kV 500 MCM came It K'iOuigoihgArdf Spiral Contact Ior Trolley Make spital contact PEL make NCB Earth ROd 16 mm 3M l•ong ß8C'PMU' NCB Earthing matetorm NCB Grounding COOdUCtor 95m,m sq. Connector TM60A Connector 90 8H30 90 B63F Sicgiö iiQing PG Clamp Rail Earlh WiC with Bagnp Singi"iJ'pånsi6n tgiii6gioÖÉariiiQ'iiå :cgarnp Rail 'to Rall with' IÉ-N'. huts antl tension string : We'd A u Oie,'Mould type •A cad we'd Cartridges g NCB OigiW unporv€xport *GVHmetetsclass02 Set sci set set set No, NOV Set No, 218 1042 714 8 5 29 150 2 4 100 8 20 27 3 19 94 42 3ii 28 153 118 21 2050 419 85 Elements: 3 x63,5/1 1 (W. Accuracy Class 0.55 ptogrammabte smatt ucBAMRenerqyrneteISWith3GG.SWGPRsm0deR1[PTA No, 750 verified) as pet relevant MIOC design & standard ODS.50:2007. OBS.9&2011, OOS.110:2012 tan amendment to date} NCB kV O'C Ef Relay vhlh additional leatwes ot büilt•iti COW load PiCk b'0kcn conductor, NCB : negative sequence & harsh restraint features wdh stable time delays Witt' IEC 61850 coanpawe. NCB Numerical l)istance P.cray NCB Capacitor Under/ Voltage Reta)' NCB Test Plug equivalent 691/PMlJ : AtMKJt'Ciat03•n 110 V Aiéiiiriclaiariijoas 1 132 kV Steel Type 693,'M/1J NCB 132 TubularPdåiiÖespo ii2 kV Steeiiubular+oieiypé SPG kV spÅ or 132 kV TL Ouaidve.Azam PIEOMC 132 kV o' Ouaid•e-Azun pad, 132 kV Steel Tubular pole lyga constguctioo 247 248 11 248- 19 13 10 soo at 10.00 am 02-10-2024 0>-10-2021 at 10-00 am at arn at 10.00 arn 03.1042024 at 10,00 am 03-10-2024 at 10.00 am 0010-2024 at arn at 10.00am 03-10-2024 at 10.00 am at 10-00 am 04-10-2024 at 10.00 am 04-10-2024 at 10-00 am at 10.00 am at 10.00 am 08-10-2024 at 10.00 am or 132 kV T,'L NCB ACSR Rail Cor.ductoc DACS8 Conductor or •ness park • km o! 132 kVTit PIEO%C NCB Fog type 698'PUL1 NCBfog NCB 132 IOOKN Sets Tower Tine Cleats (Basic} RCB Stub & Cleat Tor EA Towers 2M Leg Tmver C.crnptete want] Assembly unit 10t horizontal 'vertical rnovegnent make Translirzk or equiv. NCB wand compute horizontal make TransLink oc equiv. hClinomete1 make Transtilt'k or equiv- 25 10 03 193 42 20542 1408B 169 45 180 2 8 4 2 09-10-2024 11 09-10-2024 Ill 00-1042024 at 10,00am 09-10-2024 at 10.00 am at am at 10.00am 10-10-2024 at 10.00 am at 10.00 am Bid Opening a Time 18-10-2024 at 10.30 am 01-10-2024 at 10.30 am at 10.45 am at 1100 am at 11.15 am atll.soam 02-10-2024 at 10.30 am at 10.45 am 0±00-2024 at 1100 am at 11.15 am at 1130 am 03-10-2024 at am 03.10-2024 at am 03-10-2024 at 1100 am at 11.15 am ot 11.30arR* at 1030 am at 10.45 am at 1100 am at 11.15 am at 11.30 am at 10,30 am at 10.45 am 07-10-2024 at 11.15 am i)i.10-2024 at 1130 am 0B.ib.202E at 10.30 am OÉ'iO.202a at 1045 am 08-10-2024 at 11,00am at 11.15 am 09-10-2024 at 1030 am 09-10-2024 at 10.45 am 09-10-2024 atilnoam at 11.15arn at 11.30 am 09-10-2024 at 11.45 am '0-10-202' at 1080 am 10-10-2024 at 10.45 am 10•10-2024 at 1100 am 2. The bidding shall be conducted in line with the Single Stage - One Envelope ptocedure of the Public Procurement Rules 2004 and any Regulat•ons, Regulatory Guides, Procurement Guidelines Ot Instructions issued the Authority urom time to time). and iS coen to all potential bidders. 3, Atl bids must be accorr,panied by a Bid Security in an acceptable lorm in the fixed amount as mentioned in BDS• 19 & 20 Of the bidding #ument, 4. The original bid along with one (01} copy. propegty filled in. and encioeed in sealed must deiive,red to the address office ot Chief Engineer Dmeopment (PW,J) LESCO 132•KV Oartam Grid Statan Morang *92-42-99214410. Fax +92-42-99214412, website; at or before the & TIW bids will be opened promptly thereatteg in and in lhe presence ot bidders' autj'%ized representatives (authorization letter must mailable co demand by tender opening commitle,ey whocnao:se to attena in tne opering at the office of Chief Engineer Deueopment Ø,41Jj LESCO 132-FW Oattab;a Gtid Station Mozang Lahore. 5. AcoaWete set ot hard ccpy or bidding cbt:uments •all te porchased m written appbcatjcn to theabo•æ address and pa•jqnent ot a lee Rs tN opening date c' tender, 6. This ateertsement iS also cn LESCO vetiSite at PFFA at A1 PWic Procurement Regulatcty SROs etc. amended &teto 7. LESCO typ right 10 accept (Y' iusMying as pet PPRA Rule-33 CHIEF ENGINEER (Dev.) PMU LESCO LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY "0(0704$24 c ews paper ep, from Thenews dated 11 September, 2024
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