Higher Education Commission Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Consultancy Firm,Ict Procurement In Hec And University ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Higher Education Commission, Pakistan HEDIN Higher Education Development in Pakistan REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Country: Name of Project: Assignment Title: Loan NOJCredit NO.: Reference No.t Pakistan Higher Education Development in Pakistan (HEOP) Selection of Consulting Firm for E-waste Management Plan for ICT Procurements in HEC and universities across Pakistan 643R-PK PK.HEC-444335-CS-CQS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of Higher Education Development in Pakistan {HEOP} and intends to apply part of the proceeds for procuring services of a credible Consulting Firm (Consultant} to develop an E-waste Management Plan for ICT Procurements in Higher Education Commission CHEC) and universities across Pakistan. HEC now invites eligible Consultants to express their interest in providing the said Services. Interested Firms should provide information demonstrating that they have/ meet the required qualification and experience to perform this assignment. In this regard, there are prescribed standards. which have been mentioned in the Terms of Reference, which may be downloaded from the website Prospective Firms are encouraged to provide materials/ information that would be specific to the proposed services, The parameters for evaluating EOI responses are given below: The consultant should: havea minimum experienceofsevenyearsoffirmin Environment; EHS. and Sustainability fields. b. havea minimum experience of completing three simil r,tasks locally or internationally, c. demonstrate that it hasa pod of key experts and dedicated teams available toconductthe consultancy with demonstrabde documentary to achieve the deliverables under TORS d- provide details {documentary evidence e.g., Otract award or reference letter from the clients stating the scope Ot services and deliverables} of all such projects for the last five years or more during which theywere completed, In the case of a jointventure (JVV consor- tium, the details of such projects provided separately for each member as lead or associated consultant. In the case Of affiliation with a GI I Services firm, the firm Shall provide a copy of the affiliation docume The attention Of interested Con"lting Firms is drawn to Section Ill. paragraphs, 3.14.316. and 3.17 Of the World ganWs Trocurernent Regulations for IPF Borrowers' July 2016 (revised November 2017 and Åugust 20131 ('Procurernent Regulations'), setting forth the World Bank's policy on gon!lict Of interest. The Consultant will besel&ted in accordance with thc Consultant's Qualifications Selection ICQS} method as set out in the World gank!s "Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers" July 2016. 2017, and August 2018. Firms may assocÅte with other firms to enhance their qualifications in the form of a JW Association. AJI the partners in the JV shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire Contract. if sedected. In the case of a JW consortium. the details of such projects will be provided separately for each member as lead or associated Consultant, Payments will only be made into@e designated account of 'V, A virtual Information Session Shall be held on September 19, 2024. at AM (Pakistan Standard Time) to familiarise thc potential applicants with the Terms Of Reference (available at the HEC website) and ensuing procurement process, Interested Consulting Firms may obtain the respective meeting link/ invite via writing an email addressed to the undersi ned between September 16, 2024, and September 18. 5024 (during business hours}. The Expression Of Interest must be delivered to the address below {ih person or by surface mail) not later than 1500 hours {Pakistan Standard Time) on September 30; 2024. For expressions sent electronically. Project Coordination unit will acknowledge receipt Of the same via return email. In the absence Of such confirmation/ receipt, please contact the address gtVen below, Procurement Specialist (HEDP) Project Coordination unit IPCU) Higher Education Development in Pakistan IHEDP) Project Higher Education ComniS5ion Sector H•9/4. Islamabad, Pakistan | 051 •90400120 | [email protected] O Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 11 September, 2024
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