The South City Hospital Multan Tender Notice for General Store & Mise. Items — Swtionary Items Laboratory Items X-Ray Items LP of Medicine & Surgical Items Biomedical Gases Printing Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Invitation Cor Bids South City Ilospital District Multan intends to procced the frame-work contract oc FY 2024—25Cor supply or Col loseving itcrns/scrviccs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. Package No. Package I Package -2 Package- 3 Package -4 Package -5 Package -6 Package —7 I tcun General Store & Misc. Itetns Stationary Itcms I -aboratory Items X-Ruy Itcnls LP of Mcdicinc & Surgical Iterns Biomedical Gases Printing Items Estimated B u dgct Rs. 3 soo.ooö Rs. Rs 10 ooo 000 Rs. 500,000 Rs. Bid Security 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 20/0 Bidding shall be conducted through Opcn Competitive Bidding (Single Stagc- Double Envelope) procedurcs specified in thc Punjab Procurement Rules P PRA 2014 (amendedtill to date), and is gn to all eligiblc bidders a q defined in thc bidding document. Single Bidder participating in rnq an onc Package vvill submit non- rcfundablc tender fee Rs 1000/- separately o cach package. Interested eligible bidders m y tain bidding documents and further infortnation from Medical Superintcnaept office, South City Hospital District Multan, on submission of written ap {cation along with paymcnt of non-refundablc fee of Rs. 1000/- (One •rhous R Only) before 25-09-2024, 10:30 AM. Bidding documents vailablc on Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority p Sealed Bids must be delivered to above office on or before 25-0 402}, 11:00 AM and must bc accompanied by thc Bid Security. Bids will be 0 e d in the presence Of bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 11 A.M. he Officc of rvredical Superintendent* on thc same date 25-09—2024. All bidders P: icipating in thc bidding process via manual submission must first be registere ith thc c-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System (EPADS) PPRA Punjab. Subsequ t y, they are required to submit their bids (both Technical and Financial) ugh the EPADS PPRA Punjab portal. In the event of any discrepancy bctwccn the bids submitted nmanually and those subJnittcd online via EPADS PPRA Punjab, thc bid submitted online including both (The technical and financial components of bids) on IF-PADS shall take precedence. Jn case or any conflict between Biding Documents and PPRA Rules, thc rules shall prevail. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT souT11 crrv HOSPITAL DISTRICT MULTAN O Newspaper ( 11 Sep, 2024) IPL-8584 from Dawn dated 11 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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