Comsats University Abbottabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Equipments,Computer,Hard Drive,Dril Machine,Grinder,Tool Kits, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BIDS Tender Ref # CUI/Atd/EE/12(2024-2025) Procurement of Equipment (Computer, Hard Drive, Drill Machine, Grinder & Tool Kits, etc) COMSATS University Islamabad-Abbottabad Campus, a Public Sectar University mdtes Bids through a-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System (EPAOS) https] pk on "Single-Stage Single-Envelope't procedure basis from Income Tax & GST registered Firms/Companias who are on the Active Taxpayer List (ATL} for General Sales Tax and Income Tax of FER fat Procurement of Equipment (Computer, Hard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5- 6. 7. Drive, Drill Machine, Grinder & Tool Kits, etc) The Bid Security for the Bid [s Rs.30, 000.00 in the for favor of "COMSATS University Islamabad" (FTWNT all Depos t/8ank Draft (refundable) drawn in 10420-7) scanned copy of which is required to be uploaded through EPADS and hard copy m tb submitted physically along with hard-copy of sealed 't bidding document on the closing date of der to COMSATS University Islamabad on the address given below. The complete Tendering process s carned out through EPAOS. Interested bidders are ested to register themselves on the EPAOS https:/ istratian and submit their tender Cacuments For registration and guida eltraining on EPAOS: yau may contact EPAOS LIAN 051-111-137-237 Closing date of subm is September 25, 2024 by 1100 hours. The technical bids shall be opened on same da i.e Se ember 024 1200 Hour in the presence ofthebiddersv,'hawish to be present, in Purchase office Admin Block: COM TSIJn versify Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus As per PPRA Rule 33, CUI may reject all bids ar proposals at any time pnar to the acceptance of a bid or prcpasal. Contact Person and Submission Purchase Officer COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus University Road, Tobe Camp, Abbottabad Tel: 0992-3835914 0992-383863 Email: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Fppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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