Chaklala Cantonment Board Chaklala Tender Notice for Tender,Beautification Of Diff Areas,Spiral,Ball Pands,Three Head,Bhall Matti,Fine Dhaka Grass ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CHAKLALA CANTONMENT BOARD Murree Road, Saddar Rawalpindi, Postal Code 46000 24/7 Helpline 051-9272476 Tel 051-9270160 Fax 051-9210150 No.CCB/Store/ /D, FB/Chaklala-cb Dated- Aug 2024 QUOTATION/ E-TENPER NQT!CE BEAUTIFICATION OF DIFFERENT AREAS OF CCB Chaklala Cantonment Board working under the Administrative control of Ministry of Defence, ML&C Deptt&bdquo Murree Rood Rawalpindi invites Electronic Bids for supply Of following items complete in all respect for Chaklala Cantt in accordance with the PPRA Rules 2004 (as upto date) from the eligible firms, original manufactures sole distributors/contractors firms, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue having cu registration with Pakistan Engineering Counciland also registered With Chaklala Cantonment Board being procuring entity for electronic bidding- gov pk) s. 2, 3, 4. 5. Name of Plants Work/ltems Spiral 24" Pots (With Supply & Fixing) Balls Panda 24" Pots (With Supply & Supply & Three Head Panda 24" C Fixing) Bhall Matti Dumpcrs (Wit Fine Dhaka Grass Fixing) ling) (With Supply & Quantity Estimated Coast Nos 25 Nos 30 35000 Sft Maior Terms und CoqAIUons are as under: &bull tenders shopld only bc submitted electronically online, on or before l, The q 11:00 am through e-Tender portal of ML&C Deptt which will be opened on the same day electronically at 11:30 am. The contractor will be able to sce comparative statement online, 2. The bidder shall submit 2 % Bid Security of thc estimated cost sealed in envelop in the shape ofcall deposit Coriginal) only through courier before closing date and time. 3. In caseofbtWrate quoted by the bidder is more than below the item rate, the additional bid swurity shall be sought from the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more that 10% l*low the estimate in the fortn 01" percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of linancial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below estimate. O Newspaper ( 6 Sep, 2024) from Fppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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