Water & Sanitation Agnecy Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Park Maintenances Works,Repair Of Vehices, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. Government, Detail of works Rs. 251 Rs. 251 WATER AND SANITATION AGENCY Liaquat Bagh, Murroo road, Rawalpindi. E-PAD NOTICE Sipqq Enyq'op) Water & Sanitation Agency WASA). Rawalpindi intends to invite tenders tho following works from the firms/contractors must Registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PECI and also registorod on E.PAD as per Government of Punjab Directions, for the financial year 2024-25. The bidders / contractors firms will submit bid upto 25-09•2024 at 12:00 PM and vall be opened on same day at i 2:30 PM by the Tender Opening Committee through E-PAD The interested bidders I contractors firms can obtain the Tender Documents through E-PAD and should upload their bid through E-PAO. Manual bid is not acceptable at any cost for evaluation, If the interested bidder contractor intends to obtain the Tender Bidding documents from the office of the concerned Dy. Director WVASA), Rawalpindi, he will pay@ 1000b for each bid which will be non-refundable. whereas, bidder/ contractor is at liberty to obtain the bid free of cost through E.PAD system, launched by the Government of the Punjab for facilitation of the bidders I contractors. The bidders must subrnn the Bid Security @ 02% of estimated cost on EPADs, as mentioned in the Bidding Documents. The bidder contractors I firms are also bound to submit Original hard copy of original CDR (Bid Security @ 02%) of estimated cost in the office of the concerned Dy. Director. WASA before closing date & time of the bid. otherwise their bid will not be considered valid, WASA, Rawalpindi. The bid security shall only be /eleesed upon receiving the hard copy. The firms I contral*or shell be responsible for paymenfoff all applicable taxes at the time of release of payment as admissible under the rules preScribed by the Government of PunJab Cu PPRA Rules will be strictly applicable, of any violation the contractor bid will be rejected according to the Rules, The Lowest Bidder Whose bid will be 5% below of sanctioned estimated cost of the work, the lowest bidder will be bound to depoSit dfference between the bid & estimated cost as per rate quoted by the bidder as Performance Security in the shape of deposit at call from any scheduled bank within 15 days after-receipt of tenders which will be retumed on successfu compdetion of the worWcontract„otherwise his earnest money will be forfeited in the favour of 1 2 3 4 5 6 Estimated Description of Item Cost Rs REPAIR OF VEHIC NO, RIN NO. 1802, NISSAN MINI RN17FR. WASA RAWALPINDI. Rs. 468 SUPPLY & FIXIN OF GENERAL TIRES FOR VEHICLE NO. S&D.04. HINO EURO WASA RAWALPINDi: Rs. 251 MAINTENANCE OF QUARTER LOCATED AT COMMITTEE CHOWK NEAR OHR CHILDREN PAR WASA RAWALPINDI, Rs. 499.9001. SUPPLY & FIXING OF GENERAL TIRES FOR VEHICLE NO. S&043, HINO EURO WASA RAWALPINDI. SUPPLY & FIXING OF GENERAL TIRES FOR VEHICLE NO. HINO EURO WASA RAWALPINDI- SUPPLY & FIXING OF GENERAL TIRES FOR VEHICLE NO. sao.03, HINO EURO WASA RAWALPINDI, Rs. 251 5001. Time limit 30 30 Oa 30 Da 30 Da 300 T.S No. & Date DO tS&DV WASNS7 Dated OO WASNS6 oatee 02/0d/2024 OD WASAM6S Dated oo (saoy WASABO oated 0208/2024 DO WASNS8 Dated 02.08/2024 OD WASNS9 oared ozroeno 001. O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
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