Water & Sanitation Agnecy Faisalabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WATER AND SANITATION AGENCY FAISALABAD. TENDER NOTICE Sealed tendets are inv&bullttod far 'i works from the approved contractors who have deposited ther enltstment/renewc! fee for the financial year 2024, s. 2 3 4 Name of Work Replacement Of dia RCC Sewer line at street no 3 Iqbal Nagar in Allama Iqbal coeony sub ±vision. 08M East mechanical desdting of 15" dia sewer Eine by special arrangement at re.åd in Adama Iqbal colony sub division (O&M) East WASA FOR Faisalabad. Manufacturing of RCC manhole covers for 08%! East dcrectorate,in 04M East Constructon of Supervisors room at Baber Ctmvk center. WASA FDA. Faisalabad. Monufaeturing of RCC manhole Slabs for 08M East Estirnated Cost (Rs) 485827& 3<59201. 415350'. 91335/- Earnest Money 12500/- 105001. 16000/- 225001. Tender F 00 50 5001- 5001. 10001. 10001. Time Limit Days 20 Days 20 20 Days 20 , , East. WASA located at PMU Office I - Tender dLyumentS can Obtatned the at i.e. date Of on PPRA WV-bSite upto Sarnurtdf' Raao Model Scnool, Faisaanad during hO'uf3. 2. 4. S. 6. 7. d. O Earnest money must be accompanied the ten date gpec&bullhtd for oponng Ot bdS entertained tenders be tee.ei&bullved on&bulld opened i" Samur&bulltdfi Raad near LCM MOG'I Senool. Opentng of t 1:30 am, at the sa for at feast Ninety Caenaar days from v.&bullil: Cont3itenaI tenders w"! not ice Deputy {08M) East, WASA sacated at PMU Office Bids receiving is upto 11:00 am A ng firms can purchase i' ten&bulldOf occuments co showing Of valid Only duty authorized representative Of Renewal Of Arm , PEC License & Nati Card in ot iSina All the earned out S enarge 'Tenaers sna.U openeg in ti"te The b&bulldS W" tot 90 to PHE. 8 & R to trte entire satisfacbon the enguneor in&bull Of interested wt10 may cate to be present u the Purnab Ptocure. 14 procurement snail if any further 'n formation iS regarding me tenders V'St the off ite of the working hours poor to of openi DiputvDirector-II (O&M) Watot and Sanitation Agency FDA, Faisal NO 2, 3 4. 00-11 {08M) EastWASN2C24. A copy is forwarded to the Director fO&M) East WASA, WASA. F asalat).act Director WASA, Not.ce Boad Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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