Thq Hospital Jampur Tender Notice (2) for Procurement Of Medicies,Drugs,Medical Devices,Surgical Dressing,Equipments,Dental Items,Surgical Items,Laboratory Items,Purchase Of General Store Items,Purchase Of X ray ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE The Medical Superintendent Thq Hospital .jimpur invites sealed bids from interested firms/agencies of reput with financially sound background involved in running institutional Pharmacy business/Chain of Pharmacies}Distributors having a valid Retail drug sale license for supply of drugs/medicines/surg:ical Disposables for contract of Local Purchase of medicines and Surgical Disposables & for general order suppli (for rintin lab, eral. d" items. and Laborato items. X-ra ) NTN & STRN valid for thc 2024 Detail F Of medicines nud Surzicul Disposables SS FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 contract for purchase of printing & stationery items fO:r the year 2024&bull25 for Jx:mpur F conir&bullct for purchase of Zener-al itenus for the veur 2024&bull25 for ital J ur Contract for purchase of Laboratory item" for for h F rurm&bullsork contract for purchase of Dialysis itenes for the year 2024&bull25 thq hospital Jumpur for purchase of X.ruy & Chen'icul for the year 2024&bull25 Sor thq hospit&bulll .Jumpur contract for purchase of Social Welfare Medicine fur ihe ear wt for procurement & supply Of biomedical gases' medical gn for the year 2024&bull25 F contract Dentul item" for the 202 for thq hospitnl Jampur Tender Bid Last Date of Opening date 2 S 9 O foe 3000 3000 SOOO 3000 SOOO 3000 3000 securit Bid receivi 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 10:30AS't 26-9-2024 i 100 AM 26-9-2024 and time 9:30 Ɔ:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 L Bidding shall be conducted through-Open Competitive Bidding (Single Stage-Two Envelope) procedures specifie«:! iii the Punjab Procurement Rules PPRA 2014 {amended till date). and is!open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding document. Interested eligible bidders may obtain bidding documents and further information from the officcaif Medical Superintendent THQ hospital, ,Jampur, with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 3000/- (Three Thousand Only). Bidding documents are :Oåilable till until the closing date from office of Medical SuperintendepOT:lQ Hospital Jampur. Biding documents are also available on Punjab Procu@Jiient Regulatory Authority website (www.ppra.punj* until the closing autofor the submission of bids. 4. Sealed Bids must be delivered to the above office Oil or before due time mention above on 260 September 2024 and must be accompanied by a Bid Security in thc form of CDR, Pay Order, Demand Draft* or Bank$VCheque from Scheduled Bank of Pakistan. Bids will he opened in the of bidders' representatives who choose to attend on the same date and time rhention above in the Office of The Medical Superintendent THQ H0ispital ,lampur Oil the closing date. 6. The bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiations arc expected. Taxes will be deducted as per applicable government rules and NTN registration certificate must be provided and ST RN is compulsory for all except for serial no 1, S, 7&8. 8, For obtaining any further information or clarifications, please contact *t the following. If tender is not opened on due date because of public holiday or any other reason, same will be opened on next working day & time of opening will remain same. Newspaper ( 10 Sep, The Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Jampur. 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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