Ravi Urban Development Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Consultancy Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF i CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR VALIDATON. REGtSTRAT'0N. VEST-AT'ON. AND TRADING OF CARBON CREDITS FOR REHABWTAT'ON OF MEHMOOO 000" DUNPS*TL Ravi Utbon Development Authority (RUDA) intend' to tne ser•öees ot •n expenenced consulting firm tot Validation. Registr•tion. vetifk•bon. tssuanee o' Cercon Credits for Rehabi+tavon o' Menmooe Booti Dumgstte. RUDA Regulations 2022. The Consultant undertake aii associated actiVfties essential to ensute the qu•åty ane timery compeet;on o' assignment within budget, However, the scope at services generalfY ncluces but not Emited to establish a carbon emission RWA assist in screening and selecting camon offset DCtMties. and pro•die stratee recommendations engaging in.voluntary caroon crediting progems. Addtionaay. the asstgnment invotves preparing essential documentauon and supporting RIJDA in Vbltcation. regvstration, and future verification of carbon offsetthg activities. øet•ged scope of services will be provided In RFP document- the interested consultancy firms Eint ventures having experience ot sit•naat nature are invited to express tneir interest by appt•ying and providing the Iol:owing / particulars, duly supported wrth necessary documents: 3. 4. S. 6 7. Nome ot firm / aadress ot the registered wath teephone and emad address lnctuø•ng organizational chart showing management structure. Certificate of registration with Pakistan En#eering CouncØ. along with the vaEd renewal letter- Cooy ot registration with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan or Registrar of firms. Punjab Revenue Authority Copy of registration with Income Tax Departmen List o! tour (04) most reaevont similar works o'. cquive;ent size completed by the term in the bast 10 years (as per the provided in prequalification document) along with totat cost of such(woöés. cost of consultancy services teeeivea against those wotkS. date ot s .d:ate of completion and performance certi'cate from the employer. with CVs ot relevant key statf showing Ost of permanent professional st protect wise experience with exact ume duration ot each project duty supported *4th valea documentary evidence to.uthenticate employment ot the personnel FS-na.ncial position of the firm 'goported Wth authenticated Audited Financial Statement o' Accounts tot tb•ust three years including average annual turnover ot ond average ønmercurtent ratio lot the last three years. Cetohcate / affidavit that' 'Irm iS not blockisted by any government / ment ot autonomous body. etc. the Conwtants key expert is "kety to comprise key / non key staff with estimated than 60 peen months to accompiish the assignment within stipulated comøeuon Of services Is Twelve 02) months. The Consultant c,• in With the quality-cost based selection OCBS (80:20) the fitms Shall only be Invited to submit Technical and financial tne mnrnum overad and 50% in each category wit be Doc•nents irdu0ir,9 the scope Of work and evaluation criteria can be tr.e p.•zes of Rs- 50001, by depositing non-refundable bank draft / pay n the ot Ravi uroan Oevegopment Authority. from RUDA Sub-Office Gate 14. National Hockey Stadium. Guiberg, Lahore. The copy of the an avOble on RUDA website text' tr.e Office ot Executive Director Engineering. Engineering Wing RUDA No g. Fiocyey Stnurn. Guberg, Lahore in sealed envelope not later than 29m 2024. at n 30 Hrs. Interested rems are advised to address thelt EOB to the aaaress: 4) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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