Punjab Revenue Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Furniture,Electrical Items,IT Equipment ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE /INVITATION FOR BIDS Purqat) Hovenue Autnor:ty {PRAJ •ntenoe to procure turruture, eectncal nems and IT equpr•nent For thvs seased Olds quoting item r.tes are •nvited from the eUgible bit*jers under 'Single Stage — Two Envelope Procedure• in accordance With PPRA Ruies, 2014 2 2 3 5 6 g Terms conditions are as unaer The parlvcjpat•ng bidders must be registered with the General Sales Tax & trame Tax Departments, snan be tuned out through' E-Pak Acquioit•on and Oe•posal System (EPADS) of Puryab Procurement Reguiatory Authority (PPR.A) only AR interested "oers are required to reges'er on EPADS to be eltgote tor participation, Bidding document contatrung deta•led requgrements, terms and condhiong Is avail±le for the registered b.dders on EPAOS •t and Punjab Procurement Regu;atory Authortty (PPRA) Weustte http.nppra.punJab gov pk secut,ty amaumng to Rs. 167.509/- for LOT-I. Rs. 67.4361. and Rs. 2'5,080/• for Lot-III in tne form ot Call Deposit Recetpgs 'n favour ot Additional Commiss.åner (HO), PRA be submitted before closjng of tender phys•ealty an Admin OH•ce, Pumab Revenue Autnooty Basement, 4-e Oanepur Road, GOR-I€ Lahore (Tel' 042-99205457) documents contpnstng the Techn•cal & Fi n I Proposal prepared accordance Wth the Instructions in the hldding document. A be submitted on EPADS on or before 26-09-2024 _ no later than 0200 propose' be opened on the same day on EPADS at 02 JO PM •halt not be accepted Tender tee Will be deposited in the under head CC3070-Others for a non- refundable tee ot Rs. ICM./- and "bf deposit challan shall be attached wth the Technacai Bid Ten percent of the total pr gurantee •n the form of have to submitted as security I performance Beng guarantee (as tt•e case may be) in case of acceptance of tenaet. 0th tencer be rqected All rates must be hppltable tares Tne Au:nonty Lt ouzed to deduct tax as per gyevaient rates. The beooers should v thev best and fna:l once in thetr bids as no post bid negotiations are allowed 10 As provided in bi0d•ng cocument, the bidders engaged in corrupt or fraudulent pract•ces (inevOg collugjon polling) wtli oe declared tneli9ib±, either •ndefrnnety or for a certain '*ü5ö It The hall finally stgn (and tnclude in the bid, the Standard Form, Bid Form and Pnce Sch ale) gwen un the bidding document Procurement shall be governed oy the Punjab Procurement Rules. 2014 'f tnere a public nolrday announced by the Government on the tender opening date, the tender be oc•ened on the nex' working day IPL-8S44 News D ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER (HQ) PUNJAB REVENUE AUTHORITY '-B Dancpur Road .GOR-I J.ahore 042-99205487.042-99205457 ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
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