Pakistan Kidney And Liver Institute & Research Center Lahore Tender Notice (7) for Procurement Of Of Medical Equipment,Kidney Stone Analyzer,Real Time Pcr Analyzer ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3. 5. Invitation of Bids (Annex — A) Reference No: PRO-103-2024 Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center. invites electronic bids through the E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (E-PadsJ from Manufacturer/ Exclusive authorized Sole Distributor of Foreign Manufacturer registered with the Sales Tax and Income Tax Department PROCUREMENT OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (KIDNEY STONE ANALYZER, REAL TIME PCR ANALYZER, AUTOMATED INSTRUMENTS FOR BLOOD TYPING AND COMPATIBILIITY TESTING) for PKLI RC Lahore for the Financial Year 2024-2025 on free delivery to Consignee's end basis i.e. PKLI RC Lahore. Interested eligible bidders may get the Bidding Documents free of cost from PKLI website with detailed specifications. A tender notice is also available for information and can be downloaded from the websites of and Single Stage Two Envelope bidding procedure shall be applied. Bids must be submitted electronically through the E, Pak Acquisition and Disposal System {E-Pads) by September 24, 2024, at 11:00 A.M shall be opened on same day at 11:30 A.M through E•Pad in the presence of the bidders. All bids must be accompanied by a bid curity in the fbrm of a Bank Guarantee/COR/Demand Draft or Pay Order in favor of t istan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center and must attach photocopy with T and Financial Bids, without this, Offer shall be relected being non- responsive, whereas ori/!oa Bid Security must be submitted at below address before closing time and day. Lot 2. 3. Equipment Name / Descfipfion Kidney Stone Analyzer Real Time PCR Analyzer Qty 01 01 Automated instruments for blood 01 t in and cam atibiF t Bid Security 167,912 151,979 700,000 Incoterm CPT PKLl.Lahore CPT PKLl.Lahore CPT PKLl.Lahore PKLI Will not be responsible fo any cast or expense incurred b'/ bidders in relation to the preparation or electroriiC submission Of Supply Chain Depart pre-bid meeting will be held on 12.09.2024 in the conference room Of the PKU RC Lahore ati100 A.M. In the event that the Of opening iS declared a public holiday by the government or a non-working day for any reason, the ICial working day Will be considered as the new date for uploading on E-pads submission and opening Of tenders. The time and venue Will remain unchanged. Note: All assessments and procurement procedures, including uploading on E-Pads, downloading/receivinge opening, evaluating, and awarding, shall be governed by the Punjab procurement Rules-2014. In race Of any conflict between the bidding documents and the PPRA Rules 2014, the rules shall prevail. O Head of Supply Chain Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute and Research Center, Ground Floor Package A, One PW Avenue O•ppcsite DHA Phase-E, Khowledge City, Lahore, Tel: 92-42-111-117-ssa, Ext: 3728, Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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