Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Water Chiller,Cooler Tower,Cooler Water Pumps,Vacuum Pumps,Procurement Of Janitorial Services,Cleaning,Electrical Panels ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL. RAWALPINDI INVITATION FOR acos FOR REPAIR/MAINTENANCE OF HVAC SYSTEM Rawalpindi of Technical. experienced, financially sound business registered With PPRA department. Income Tax, sales and Punjab sale deportment as per government regulation With the status of active tax payer that the at HVAC System of Holy Family Hospital. Oetails mentioned below- S. NO Description 1. 3. 5, 6. 7. DFA Water chiller No, 3 Carrlet Ebara coolin Tawer03Ua Cooli Water Pum NO' 1 Thro h 4 Chiller water um No, 3 to No, 4 Flushin of Maln Chiller water lines Vacuum Pu Genera Cleani of Electrical Panels, HVAC tem 2, S. 7. 8, 9, E.Bids would be opened on 28/09/2024 at 11.00 AN under PPHA Rule 30 (1) jn presence of procuretnent committee and representatives of the participating firms, All the procurement/repairs Will be made by using electronic means through EPAOS under Rule 12 of PPRA and Section 5 of Punjab Electronic procurement Regulations 2022, The bidding documents containing all terms & conditions, requirements, specifications etc downloaded online at PPRA i.e end EPAOS webéite i.e. http://pi/[email protected] before dosing date and time. Bidding document in accordance with Rule 2S 12} may,be available immecfiötely after the date of publication under rules 25 II) on PPRA website and EP accordance With sub regulation-a Punjab Procurement Regulation 2022. The tendering process/conditions will be as per rement Rules, 2014. 38 (2) laJ "Singe Stage" Two Envelops as exptained in E&bullaidding OOCup&bullpent. E-Bids shall eontaining Technical Offer and lindusive of all rases) and in eornplete catformity with bidding documents must be uploa ne on E-proe:urement System (E-PAOS) website as per followi schedule:- E-did submission date time E-Bid Opening date & time derssh It load 28/09/2024 till 1000 AM timated under rules 2014. be Of QM'Bank er of dules ban of Me i al bid ust be Rawalpindi forma itted al in Any bid updaaaed after the:inflmated time shall be rejected. AN repair/maintenaoce.@f HVAC System procedure i.e. receiving, opening awarding etc. Shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules-201'&euro 10 ease of any conflict between Bidding OOCUmentS and PPRA Rules 2014, the PPRArulOSßha/l prevail, Medical Superihtehdent, may reject all bids or proposals at a:ny time prior to the acceptance of ot proposals, as ded under Rule&bull350f Punjab procurement Rules, 2014 (amendedfro,mtimetotime) In case Of any difficulty in online submjSSion of E-:blds through E&bullpad due to technical issues. hard copy of sealed bids fiechnical Financial} may be submitted In this Office before deadline In accordance With ru 2014. Or, azAhmedButt Medical supetmtendent Holy Fan&bullvily Hospital Rawalpindi (Phone No. O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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