Forest Department Sargoda Tender Notice for Supply of Polythene Tube,Supply Of Silt,Purchase Of Seeds ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Terders fct the Purchase of varicos Nurse&bully Items h Sargo&ta Extension Division, under Project "Chief Minister's Plant for Pakistan Initiative" for year 2024-2025 are hateby invited isteredfgms ivetax rs detailedasunder> Tender Time No. 2- 3 Particulars Of work. Supply of polythene tubes SOO Nos.'Kg. supply of Sill arriage to the Purchase of Seeds 'Cuttings for Potted Nwsery. Quantity 16m Kg. 20000 Cfi Varicos kinds of seeds Gar Eucalyptus, Amrocd, S.Ah Chain etc. 12LHititjes given in tender docurznt Estimated atnount 5% bid security fee. 2,0DOL 2,000.1. 2,000b Period for completion Of work. IS days IS days IS days CONDITIONS 2- 3. 4. 5. 9. All bidders have to security deposit of the estimated cost in shape of COR tern the scheduled bras cd Ot"isinal Fcast Officer, Extension, Division Sargcåa. The docurrpots an be obtained frun the date of public* of advetliserrant from the ctfice of he misanal Fcgest Offut, Extension Sargodha Offa by depositing Rs. 2,000- (Non-Re%ndable in Wm of caet for each Tender)?? tendu price upto 26-09-2024. Sealed will be upto at 1100 hous the office of Divisicnal Forest Officer, Extension Sargodha cosingle stage, single emelope procedure and will be opened the sarre date at 1200 hours ine urosetu cd all tedders heir authorized representatives by tender cpning tho ofte cd Divisicnal Forest Officer, Extension Sargo&va. tenders withoutCCR or goperseal beenteqained Any offe üfllli"S any cd he terrrs be retted. The tender rates amount sh0Lid in fiy.jtes as as in words. auantjty of *Ems is &bulluance cl wuk ordg. The paymnt will be according to he vovision of %nds by Gaul at of her gaper anab&bullsis of mateöal md qualiy of each item by special committees. Tender firm 10. The firm isved wih Income Tax. Sales tax department for year 2024-2025. shall not be black listed by my agncy, auh0fity dgpanrrant etc. 11. As Rije 2014 Sr No. 3S, he committee reserves he to reject al tie bds proposal&bullt ny time pric« to he acceptance cd a bid ct proposal: howe',« the grounds the rejection of bids be curvnw,icated to tho Udder upon his request. 12. In cage of offer below estimated casi he deposit COR uss offer, wih Tender case of failwe tho Tetder dccu,ment I offer wa be rejected. 13. Tl'ß Cc«actc« will sup$y dems of diff nursery sites in Disricts Sargo&va, 'Ctushab, Manwa" and Bhakkar as directed by he DWisionai Forest Officer Extension Sargodha. 14. Fillher o:rdituns are rmmbcnad Teru O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, Divisional Forest Officer, Extension Division Sargodha. 2024) from Ppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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