Local Government & Rural Development Department Tank Tender Notice for Repair And Maintenance Of Transformers, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (SR) LOCAL GOVT: & RDD DISTRICT TANK. NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING hen-by•d on the has:is the registered I 'EC 11.3 the rek"antcatcgory and Work tos- p•ie• Cosi tn 1000 26.09.202-1 xoooo A 4 per 2609.2024 6, 10, 12. 13. 21. 22, 23. 24 25, 27. 28. 29. bidding oill tlüijogli E-b.i&.hlg syslciii. foriii and lujQ bc online and Jo Wltloxlcd day bidders "o Clod .cop•y of Iud in Call in thc Sswityij• or rot'"' 'lic securities shall be share or all in favor oftls•• Only Will be enti"e• eligible E' EU), code EEOS or F,oev.v & Khyber J' who Of Aet 48 E ide 'X the for the above per IWEC'. rekAu:iut be uccordiwgto the items •oeotioned in "hi]e the be per estimated the Jr •be bid be deposits will bids to the date tt.nse Of Ot' L s. Bid Security if Lime up the shall up 00 the stiall stabmtlalonc v.ith of to bid IXOC1'tMtg Crill'tyv It' i• 'Wilh thc of securo tlxn as bi',l svcurily slu]l forfeited so bid to the bid al.•agviilhdetail In hids. iflhehid hythe bid *loll .•ul along such responsive. s.•vurily sub:miued along Willi •hall NO 10, 2022) rate of offer to test 01 bias Ot afre»aj. Aner h! tbc replace Ackld•onzl Security after it' the FOcuri1tg cit:ity ec •unour* the y io t»anL; '4.31. pl'v•.uing light. k ITRA Rule j'" i. I-les:tgomc •.01! date Eythe p«suringli.wuity€ in ithiit two for All Khyber "akh'iunLh•wa iiakhlvulkh•a• Act. 201 .E Khvfs•er Act NO, hid tot* liitiit Of ' lull be as the to days" Of '.tklet• cxlcet]ca ad•iliIK4KL1 Win bc obtain further of KPPRA All It" testing u ill Wy Of the reject all bias for the for "i the Ofk pet' KPI*RAku1c» Assistant Engineer LG RDD District Tank Assistant DilTctor (Sry RDD District Tank O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Mashriq dated 10 September, 2024
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