Local Government & Rural Development Department Bajaur Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING E-BIDI)ING sealed tenders based on MRS•2022f Non MRS-items for the below mentioned works are hereby invited on the basis of Single stage single envelope procedure from the government contractors registered with PEC and enlisted with Department as per Centralized Enlistment Policy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for cu Financial year as per following schedule: Work Name Construction of PCC Road in VC Slandro Utmankhel Estimated cost Bid Security (Rupccsl 148860 date'ttme of submission Of electrome tender form at 1200am datc{tinte Of subm ission of electronic tender form nard c at 12 OOpm Noon O'äte'ome ot opeotng of electronic bid at 12 30Pm Noon Tme of AS Pet WON CYder t, 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. The details terms & condition are avaitaote on KPPRA -bidding system. financial bidding will be online through E-bidding form & 300 Can be filled online & downloaded from offi&al website Of LGE & ROO lgkp gpv p') before one day from 'astate Of bid subrwssion. ELCTRONIC BIOS & ORIGINAL CALL DEPOSITS RECEJVÉO THROUGH FAX BE ACCEPTABLE.$EALEO SEN THROUG UPT P CIFIÉO I AND OA E AS ER SERVIC A?OVE; The PEC & KPRA registration {A,etive tax ust be vaKd for cu financial year. tender notice is on the LGE RDD KPK & KPPRA ie. & All roles 8 regulation of KPPRA wil be IOIi09ed in tn.e Letter & Spirit. additional security accordance to K ITAA dated May rawfieat'Ot1 NO. S R.O (14VV00 The call nerosits we. Bid security must be prepared aher poub3ishing ot NITI before dosing time of the Electrome bid apply. Incomplete bids or in-eligible bids 'kill be considered as & will be sent for debarring btac•k listing, Note: Those intends to quote financial on e•bidding system should first assess their firms as per eligibility criteria given belOWand there is any ono or more than one eligibility criteria which the firm cannot complete. Wii' be considered as nan-responsive and work will be awarded to next bidder, in full latter & spirit to KPPRA rules. Incomplete bids or bids "ill bc considered as Non-responsive & will be sent for debarring black listing. Attested CNIC ä0Q.2% CDR onhn form Hard copy. t.G Department O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) Registration with PEC in relevant category codes NTNSTRN,KPRA active for cu FY O'RECTORLC from Kppra dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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