Urban Planning & Development Department Quetta Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE EÄecudive Engineer, urban Planning & Development Department .Ouett:a Divisianauetta invited the sealed terders based cn Cc«npasite Sche6Jle of Rates 2023, Government of torn interost&d Firms '*00 have the renewal for the year Tie S, 2 3 4 5 6 CONStRtJCtlt)NOFCOMPutERLABAND 44600.004 CHRISTLANLBARARYATSW.JOA.E. pærHCOlsrC81JRCHZARGHOCNROAD QUETTA*PSCPNm007j rse-uzsogsazass CONSTRUCTIONOFADDITIONALCLASS ROOMANOSATHROOMSATSÜ TERESA (PSOP [email protected] BOUNDARYWALLANDSIREEISLIGHTS CHAMAN IPSC*Na4300TSE-U2S09S4Z38S REHABILITATION WORKAROSOLARSYSTEU AT SAINTUROOJäUURYAMBA,SAlRA8AD2 SHAMSHANGHArANOSOLAasrREE1 LIGHTSOUÜTA rse-uzsogsazan REHABILITATION WORKANDSOL.ARIZATVON MANORS NAGRl'JEHAIPSDPN0,4339', 48,533.346 9.90100 29314.332 r he Pracutement shan be cathed out in accorcance with Bajo±ista.n Publi Procurement Regulatory Authority n.]les, 2014 amerded up to date. BASIC ELIGIBITY: The Firm' must have valid reggatZ•r. with Pakistan Eroineering Otuntil who also has depogjed case 10' renewal 2024-25 in '"vant Category. na•.'ift9 valid reg.strat.otl Pakistan IPEC" Category C.S relevant Spectalized code. The firm be regi_ r Barothistan Revenue Authctity pcesence active tax ag [ATL) 'Wid RegiGtraton with Tax & prosence Pihe•r Lust in FBR (ATL) Turnover at toast 01 last th have Of Siffllar Eids must the gf Oepos.itcc Bank guarantee % sgec:ifiea of the séned from a scheduled bank. The bi$irk rrwst ne blacklisted by any procuring agercr C' ?SVån. ather Mandatory corøditons and Detail Criteria mentiraii he Bidding 00tumerdS. sequenta.l •ago reorraetir•tg Of Bid Si•gnng af proposa umerever as initial" sgnature ar.d seacoallatherpagescd Proposalistourdast•grd boo. 10 deny Idditio of METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Single Envelope Procedure. ISSUANCE: can also the bddirg from wetts.t.e OT RS, Z,OCW• each at;os-T menti0•r.0d in treasury ur•der the head Ot rnust acccunt thro• ne Green Challan Fot•rn at he Nabcnal Of' Deadline Of Submission: Documents dWY and attached with copes of suppcmjrg documents must deliered in sealed envelopes by cc thrwgh to add..•ess beloa on 270912024 at 10:00 am. open.inm bidS wil oocncd on 27,'09-'2'024 at 11:00 am. begore the cccnm•ttee in presence of firm" contractors or their authorized representatiu•eswgents. Place at issuance ard submission wil be: Address: Offce of he Executive Engineer I-Iman manring & Dev: Department OuettB Division Ocetta. Telephone No. 0819211904 Bid Widt" PC'iCd: Ninety (901 Days. PRO EXECUTIVE URBAN PUNNING a OEV: DEPARTMENT QUETTA c ews paper ep, from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
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