The Urban Mobility Company Peshawar Tender Notice for Electrical,Mechanical And Civil Works Maintenance Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2, 3. 4. 6. - ransPesliiWör Ot.Tianspest'avar OiTianspeetnar Request for Proposal "Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Works Maintenance Services in Peshawar BRT System (Miscellaneous Services)" 1 TransPeslQwar (Th@ utban W0biity company) iS a Cctnp&1Y up undet SCCtiCtl 42 01 CompeniES ACE 2017. and iS respcas.itde tot project impkrnerdation. management and mairtenance ot urban rapid tansit moiect5 by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa urban MC011iy Aufiorty. TranSPestwwar (The L.lltjan MCOility corroa.ny) invites IS from Eli$blE serice with FSR Ir:« and sales taxatyfrellecled on the Active Paygr List teqistered with Khyber pakh11J1khWjRevenue Autlor&bullty IKPRA) saks lax an sevices for 'Electrical, and CivilWoiks Mairaeranoe Sewices in Peshawar BRT System {Orainage Detailed seedl sevjces iS wovide,d for in Request A comletesetat Reauestot Proposal dowråaadedbyinteested bidders from twspaperti'll last day lor sutl&bullmss ot0idS. Procuements be G"ied per Act and at Khyier Pakhtunkhwa Procurement Regtøatory accccøar.ce me KPPRA). Cc&bullgngetiive bedding wa be corducted in One envelope bitdifl9 procet%jre. September 17.2024 at PM Office Given the bidt±1S wilt) wiSh to Bits must be 11230AM (PS". to lhe on or before September 24, 2024 at 7. Bids w" on day at AM in ggesence bidders choose 10 aneol The adve&bullti'Otnert iS BO available tX'lh WObSites Transpesnawar and KPPRA Transpeshawz reserves light to cancel any or all bids by assigning cogent reasca. Chief Executive Otticer TiansPeshawar (The Urban Mobility Company) TransPeshawar Head Ottice&bdquo Floor, Neat Main BRT Depot, Chamkani, Peshawar Ph: +9291 2621393 O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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