Municipal Corporation Turbat Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Construction Of Sewerage Line,Construction Of Protection Walls,Construction Of Local Bore ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Chief OfficetWtticipaI Corcoraticn Tutbat it•tVites sealed bids Dated C October. 2024 fcv Oevelcprngn.t Year 2024-25. e,lia.ue frms Contractors licensed by Pakistan Engifteorng Coure in appropriate cat-gory and dlåi' quatte•d fly the a 6. 8. g. to. 12, c WOt'k,S 01 K.o-e Murad Eüh8h •W&d TuttOt Kzeft. ZCcosrucsoo ot cnatw oa€;i aaar Absce WYG.7 Tinat O'tnc;t Shani Soum Bazar Wani &'.38 1:Ccosructon ot$ew«øgeti'e •t 553 fift gaha•t H'Cu* and G.&n Qadir Sewerage and House Heuse Ahmad Koshk Wart NO A: Turbot Keck.. inc R/ and Regar ot drai01334 RRJ dCda *hart b,aw ward &b.4S Tuna' OBEic:t Koch. Of SOü* and BI'S R.n 12"di. Pte)Fot Hai Naeern Hi*.ße Jarrah •u.ah Nawab Khan aag Sarai Gularn Ware NOSQ and No, Sg tuteat cf eeeerage L O Shewnab aayoum aa•u Sewetage Lhe gakhsh Ward 1. Constuc•on d $axage PA5NOSl '"W* suaot, P V C P V C met For S.oha.' 5.1.a,rn Wyd NO. 19 Sagano twta.t 2. (13 yar H.i:i Rasps Mohanah Wæ•d t S X.a'W zxrar Baz.•t' Muhala.t•t W•td Ahsor A: TutEat Kech 1. o' Soai* Pt Fee 'nah Ward At 2 Soak* (S "kß) and W' E & R Ahrnad Ward Dish-ct Ko;h. 1. Sewer'* Line CYC Saf gau 2. (165 Rt and 25 Repai Nasr Ahff*d Bazar 9•sat'i East Waco S' tumat 08t.tua Kech. Cf {340 RR Naseem 8aaar Sna•ma cnan;s.g Wam Cons•gucu» "—m Baw kram ward Tu.tøt Z c' Saaee (13 Tutbat Disti:t KRft. 3. Lino Pim "Shad arg HOOSO Wahid B&.hsh Kech. 1. scas.* NOS) rot Bpi Mafk• Tvbat Kee. 2. Cot'.s•ttuebm O' Soak* (13.NOS Oadi Bazar Hali Raud Bakhsh Mohalah W Mg Nc. *O'Sh. 1. df goundfy WalfSIC Rhj Z (22.M3S) Sari: Wwd Oi*'ÉIt 1. Rt } Gavi Gitts Scnoc K,cte-8i Bazar 4b" Kareem gakhO•i NO. 5 Turbot Kech. Z WaÄZXS Rt Bate Bazar O.mstan Zem Sangmsæ war,3Nos •12000 R" ) Ward _ 3 Nos,j 91a.rrÉs. Basheer zen scum wara 242509544703 242509544723 242509544743 242$.09S"Ø3 3 2426095-4.aus 242$.09544893 242509544873 31347* 3933t31 3070272 3923116 3590011 21 22 23 25 'TutL•at 2. gf 340 Rt Pim j Muzaffar aazæ luqman ward 3. Oa•bfsbfi SO 707 Rh guar Varri Abad Wag 1. i: 160 Rh O-tNay:mm and 5.n Bazv Absor NO. t At pi (13 'Aag'ibi snat1i west NOAO Tutbat Oisti:t TLNtat Khart Ward No.2'A A1 Turbat Oishi 2. *akage For Bakhsh Baw Bize.•• Vütvao,h Ward NO .34 Tus'B8tCiSt'i:f. Kett FÜ Lakish Bazar at Tutbat Dism;t K.;h. Z water P V C Pipe Samad Ea.lpe•i Ward Abc•r 'd lu,'bat Dish-st Kecfv 1 . At. Feig kahne Bazar WBO at tut't'.at OStnc:t Kee , Coosgunoo c' wü Guv aazu M.een NO.4T At: Tutbat 3. IJ.NO$ Sarrmt z,omuar Bazar Gas'etn,mefil Bakhsh Ward 25 tweat Pit (13 sayz Soufi Wr•d at ru-bat. 3, Pit ( I Mahammad Yaqu Abs« •13 •Oubl •Rel.rrm A1 , tar* Fu eter aaz,st Ward re.2J (51 NO' FÜ I. ot' Repair ot Gah O.BShb Bazar O-e«seas COOT/' ward LOCS Port Chee. at Kech. CaporaW' tumat D'iW'iZt Z. Nest Pu'Eie al Tigbat Agch. 3 , Florn S.oaG9' Det'i•tt 0th. 47. WOS Shad A1 TutE« Disht Kek 1. Sewerage KA at Oistrst Sue,raoe rce Scq•e TSE. 24250954403 242509544903 2425095-4496' 242509545053 TSE- TSE. TSE. 242509545093 TSE. 24-2$C9S.4St13 2644746 3816327 2 2% Procurernents shall oe under asochistan PuNic Ptccu,rerreat Ru&s — 20". Eligibility of in Pa,YM List The agency Bö3ChiStart Revenue Authö"ity Regs.tteti:vn is required. Tt•a bidder must rave 3 Of 01 at least 3 Subs.eq,uet'tt Yeats finantOI capacity 01 rtVJSt have tegiStrabOt'i With Pakjs.tan Council in the relevant category (C•6 and atove where Procedure Of Procurement: Sregle Stage Ore Biddhg Proceeure Bid Security: The bids must accompany 863 Security in Sarme a Deposit atCallof 2 'S specified atove in nametdthe undesj.ned scheduled bank. Tender Documents;: The biddirg documents can be cåtäined tom he ctfice of he undersigred @ Rs. 2500 by green Challan. Account Title Wricipal Tulbat Main Branch NBP Tilfbatssuance of tender Oecuments: From tre date ot gutljcatjonat N lit Of bid The must EOS.iJbmitt'b3 latestt;yC October 2024 tjJ11100 AM, Tineorcøning: renterswill boocet•tedon the sane tayattt•.e at 1200 PM Stæ•np pager@025% maybe ptovüd by Contractorjfirm. Address: OffceOfåeVunicipalCorp«abonTumat D"ictKech Mobile CHIEF OFFICER MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TURBAT ewspaper ep, from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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