Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Pishin Tender Notice for Construction of Office For Assistant Commissioner,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER E Ozp•ict Pi Shin to Out the •year 2024•25 and •twites seal•eø tenders on corrtCOSite at Rates lar PEC Registered Eamest uarey 3% , Fee RSICOO•', and Cartplebon 24 NameofWork I CONSTRUCTIONOFOFFECEFORASSISTANTCOMMISSIONERHURAMZAI (PSOP 49040M Procurement *tall be in wtm me BPPRA rules 201d Ament*d 2019. ELIGIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS'. PEC in relevant and having fobrairg Speciatzati'•r. Codes: CEImt (General Ci"i Eroineeri-•g Wcds) (Building and Drainage & Retainirg Structure Wid legistratjcn certificates from Ircon•.e TarAuthorty and Revert'* Thc Litigation Arbitraticrl and the amdavit bbc:kEtirvg) not invot.ea any Inga:bon at-titration) Authorized blacklisted not involved stamp pave') ot will oe albwed. naving a spelc Autf-.arua•tjan letter the Scner•je mentjor*öite (The øeed must be provided cn Non- Judicial Stamp Paper Val fCOJ-, dL4Y 8tttested first coss Magisyat@). Rate ar Ottered rates. Oetaded T Evaluation Crena iS rner.tone•d in the adding Occus METHOD OF PROCUREMENV ilVited on Single Stage TWO Envelop proce6Jre (TOCtnr,.-al & F' procuternent Shan be returnee Cc'itractors firms are requited to i Proposals or bidG toured try the to respective Cidders. the *'teresteø Poposai cc«ngeising inlarmatian regara•ng E»et'ience; Personnel C"abütjes, Fina *Status. Eqvpment Capablities ard ather reevar.t i r&rmation as explained the Bid S06citÜ#'P6cumer.ts lone ori$nal one copy) in sealed envelope & the Financial P.•cocsal in separate clear* labeled each accordirgt". BIOOING J TENOER Thc tas bidding to oe deposited in fM C•'OZ716 in •Of Pakistan. The NIT Biddng SUBMISSION OF BIDDING JTENOER DOCUMENTS: at 12.00 PM, (Technical be opened cn tre committee 26'Ut20Zå in the offs-e ct urdersäred at Ot. 00 P". bebre procuremeru of Ccotractcey' Firms or their auth«ized representatives. Date ard time Sor opening of ['Financblßidswill be communicated to mythe st-ortisted contractors after evaluatbnofthe techroc:al bds ab'tiin•gty. BIO SECURITY: Bid Secuntvof ot estimated cce in the shape of call dOÄGit frat' SCt'Odukd as agaf'Gt tve Shav be orao:SOd with tid (TCChOi•tal PfCOOSiVj. rtte all bids atany ome to acceptance c' a Cit. due to cogent reason. Arty regarding the bid can te 0btaned from Office of cn my womrg cay. cffce ct the Executiu•e Engineer &åMingCW. PP&H P,shin. 0336.8151-10 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CW. PP8H DEPARTMENT DISTRICT PRO No-940'09-09•2024 c ews paper PISMIN ep, from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
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