Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Duki Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER Only edectronic be submitted, NO pajysieal bid is required. Note: in All Procurements o' GOB Whether Through Eleetronie or Manual Bid Subfflkssian. It is MandatoryFar All Bidders to Cet Registered At Electronic Public Procurement System of BPPRA GOB. The Executis&bulle Engineer Butidng CW PPSH Department District OVO invites tecs frorn Eigo&bullle Bidders for execution Of f05ü*ing the YC:at 2024 based Comoes,ite SChCdulC rates 20181*' Petcetltøge Rates TinderFetRS.2000t&bulland Bid Security2% S,Nö Name OfWorklS NON-AWLABILITYOFGOVERNMENTBUILOINGFORACCOWOOATIONJ 99, conco procutetments 00 mate ur&bulldet 8*10thiStan Pbål&bullc R'J,es &mdash 2014. Eligibility Of "derst Prescr&bulla&bull in Active Tax Payet List must bC bli)CkJiS'ted ørocutitg ot Pakistan BN0Üiista.n Reveroe Authority Registrati.ct'! iS required rtte bdder must nave comp.le*C Assigntr.ent of sifYilar nature ot lum wer of at east 69.300003 PKR An&bullount subsequent prewa&bullus years shawng capacity ot me firm tidder small nct nave af intelesi. the cornct Of interest rrems&bull (N '*here a antocar. C' consultant provides cc could provide , or CEJl&bulld be gortOivOd as ctcoiß&bullng biased ororessonat teneft ICt himself Ot fhCG.e aflllate&bulld hat (b) Bith the as orocunng to Obtain an ng any termneraton erect" Ot in procurement ofa ccnsil tar service with his rok or me procurng agerzy oncer agercy ergaged in the process has a process of in a dtec: or an indirect act (d) wtere an offical of the procuring ecam&bulln-ic ircerest in the cutcome of he pending itjgatjon Shall in tots rot represent than net worth treated as against bidder, N' wan pedormance of a contract fc« surnissean basec on all infonmun on fully settted accccance he dispute resoutian n&bullechanism the respective conne nd insnnces avalable to the applicant been of8ar&bullk) to em tractor, Øntrac.t. a creet it) the arncon&bullt ae&bullave sra be finance the cedormance ot tho cmtract suet*ct 10 out terms. credit oe available W'it"ifl fifteen (IS} calengæ days after receipt cartractc&bulle of me of acceptarc:e of credit Lentil the ge&bullcieclis by the contractcc. this is beirg issc&bulleen favor of said contract'* in cmnectjonv&bullth the bidding rogatea&bull.ents Of Executis&bulle Eneneet&bull menti&bulloréd contract. P roctdureOfPreurement.&bullSinge Stage ono PfOC06JtO Bid Security: The bidS rrnßtaccotrtvars: Seturty in ear* Guranteo.Oeøasit atCall 2 % SVOCif*d above iO nameattneynderiSigned a Tendet Oecuments: Occu Issuance of tertaer Documents: Cvnpete Bidding Occu can be viewed a: &bullaww oppra.qppu Last Oate bid submission: Bid oe submitted latest September, 2024til 12CO through sugpoer d,'ff Tender opening: Pdl tenders will opened on same day at PM EPPS System Address Executive Ergineer CW PP&HDepvtrnent Oistra:t COki Phone ro: 0824660630 Email: PRO No,943i09-09-2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER BUILDING CW PP&H DEPARTMENT OISTRICT 01.1K' O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2 24) from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
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