Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Chaman Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Efi#eer-BLildirg OiStrid Chamanjilt erdS to carry the Development WorkS for tt•e vear ard sealed terders convcsite of rates 2023CaBfor PEC ReysteredGovernmentConætars, Tencer fee Rs, Eamest P/oney 2%andCompetjco r«ne 12 Name of work. CCNSTRUCTICNOFOFFICEANORESIOENTILACCCUUODATIONFOR EJcost ATTORNEY CHAMAN. PSDP The Prccurer.ent shall caried out in accordance with the BPPRA rules 201d and Amended 2019. ELIGIBILITY OF COT4TRACTORS: Vu certificate of PEC in ara Speciälizatjcn CcdesCE1 (General Civ' Enghee'irg Works} , CEO t-li) (Buleengand Paver-eng Dranage & Retaining Structure Valid registration certifutes from Income Tax Authority ard Bauctlistæ•i Revenue ISRAE The far.' Conætar eitrgr blac:kltsted irreoh•ec any Litoatimj/g•btraton [Attach tdetkliStjngi/ it"/'Cåved in arty ttgatjCtl arbitratin Autroti&d will art" be allowed, t'.avil•g a specific Authorization tetter ae mentored nust be provided Nm- Judicial Statmp Pager Valuhg Rs. t Rate analys of offered ræs. Oetaikd Technical (The Autrorizatz•n letter.' teed attested by fist class is mentioned in me OF PROCUREMENT: Single Stage (Techni:al & Financial PtopcæalsJ. Financ&l ProocsaRdü.s found Non-responsivebythe ptocuremerd cammeee shall be returned unopened to the The interested Contractors Firms are reqtJired to provide rechnicd Propose Pets,onnel Capat*bties. financial Status. Equiprnent ather reevant rdctrnatim ase•XNined the Bid SCdiCiting oocuments in the Financial Proposal il separate labeled J TENDER DOCUMENTS ISSUANCE: The tender documents shall be 0b'* • Septemter he affce cd tne undersigned cn cej"uctton 01 green cnauan [as the Natjorjäl sank Of Pakista tsfee1toteeecosnedintrer.eaaofaccauntC•02Ü6n NIT & Bidding oocurnent can alGO be downloaded tram SUBMISSION& BICOING TENDER DOCUMENTS: The last date & submissionof 23JC9J'2024 .COA.W Or/ythe Bid (Technical Proposalslaill to coened co he sarra dote 23/09/7024 it' the 01 untet'Signe•3 at 12,00PM, ørocuroment cccnmtteeand in the cd Contractor" irmsor their authceized revesentatives. Oateard time Sar openng of (Financial} BZs wilt* communicaectoortytne shortsted contactors atterwaluatianoftne tidS ag*dihgy. 810 SECURITY Security o! 2% or estmated cost in St•u Ot all degost trom am bark as mentioned agat'Sl the oartae Sheat be oraosed with tid (Techni* I Proposal). The Campeent Authority reset-ves the right to accept/reiee any ar bds a: any lime pria•rto acceptance af a bid, due to ccgent reason. Any further informator regarding the bid cm he Offrc:ec' day, offrgo•lttte ExecutiveErtgneerBJ.0Jdtng caw PRO No.93009-W202ß EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (BUILDING) CSW PP&H OEPARTVENT OESTRICT CHAMAN- O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
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