Children Hospital Faisalabad Tender Notice for Local Purchase Of Medicine,Surgical Disposable,Medical Devices ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WALK.IN REGISTRATION OF LPDD & LPO VENDORS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25 *alaJ art iraØed frail the with drug licese issud bavi% in terms Of tattni<ül, firara:iil rnanag«ial capatilit;es etc; on b•bif tar lb: year Septem&r202S), of lhe pu,r€ab Meocal Edwa.tim Ib•tment. lcncr l.ceeonof shell within 10K" Chi'&en Hespi'tul Faisal•W are invited agera ci focei"i with valid liceræ'vdid licet•tsc 'wc impotvthg sale licet:ttse fm•n-ll oa Pumj±i IYug rwe 2COT having ere&ntÄls in lemu oftelu:ic.ål, firure:ial ud muagerid upbilitio limited wrchase through fer (till 202% AS 11B.YLÄice igud of Specialized Mealthcve & Medical Edoxio,n Lahore vide IEter T«hniul bid submission. aperting& walk in foc registrationcfltxal vendors limited purchase th.rcu# tkildonnrntioned selaw d,ees. bilk•in fx l.«a.l Pucta:se i for Suf'É1 Ctul±a Sledical p•rct" Medieire, 270324 get Tse bi&ng dceg with c' & medical of 00 of written eith a copy cf CMC co ;gyrccat cf fee (Rupees liebidding gill immeGuelY bidder will' bid gwartee amcu.ntiag to fix each with bid in CUR from any scheduled dill bc t•cjezted. All prccuranenepre-quw!ificaticn walk-in regstrationofbid&rs be Puniah Rules 2014 with its unenhees. of 'tis notice in nev•aper. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT IPL.8548 CHILDREN HOSPITAL FAISALABAD. c ews paper ep, from Jang dated 10 September, 2024
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