Municipal Committee Turbat Tender Notice for Provison Installation Of LED Streets Lights,Uplifting Of cb Graveyard Roads,Provision Of Pipe,Construction Of Drain,Supply & Fixing Pumps,Construction Of Storm water Drain,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Construction Of Sewerage Line,Construction Of Protection Walls,Repair Maintenances Government Quarters, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Chief Officer Municipal Corporation Turbot District Kechi invites sealed bids Dated C October. 2024 for Development Schemes (under grant-in-ait) for the Financial Year 2024-25. from eligible firms or Contractors licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the apptopriate category and duly qualified for the 2 3 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 12. c Development Works on Composite Schedule ofRates 2023- Name Of scheme 1 .Consttucbon of Sewerage Line (62 Meter t8"dia Pi*) for Kohe Murad Zizath Abscc Shay Khuda Bakhsh Ward No-6 Tumat District Kech. 2.Consfruction of soak4e Pit (13Nos.) For Bilal ChM*iz Oaki Bazar Absor Wardl Turbat Dismct 3-Construcbon Of Sodage Pit (13Nos) For Ejaz Ahmad Shahi Tump South Bazar Ward Turbat District K,ech, 1 -ConstructionGf Sewerage Line ( 553 RR 12"dia and 6"pipeJ For Khan House to Jama Masjid and Bahot House to hasher Ahtnad House and Gullam Qadir House to Main Sewerage Line ard Abdul LaM House Hcuse 'Galil Ahmad Koshk Bazar Ward NOBI At Turbat Dismct Keck.. 2.Constucü)n of sewerage ine (2CO Rft i2?dia Pipe) ard Repai drain(334 Rtt) for jonubi kosüalat Sardar doda khan bazar Ward N045 At Turoat District Kech, Consbucion of Soakage Pit( 4 No$) and Sewerage Line( 825 Rfi 12'idi.a Ptpe)For Haji Naeem Hoose to Jamah Masjid and Bakhsh House Nawab Khan Bag and Saraj Ahimad and Naveed Ahmad and Ejaz Ahmad Bazar Jusak Meet Gullarn Rascal Muhallah Ward NO.52 and ward NO. 53 Jusak At Tumat District Kech. 1. eonstrucfion of Sewerage Line Shema[' Koshkalat Abdul Qayoum Bazar Ward No.43. 2 , Of Sewerage Line foe Noor Bakhsh Bazar Jcoubi Chasar Ward No.35 3 Constuction of Sewera* Line WIIä Yasir Bazar Nc&.alat Ward N044 at Turbat District Ked. 1. Constructjcn Soakage Pit(5.Nos) and Water suppey P V C Pipe Line(1t48Rfl P V C Pipe) For Sohail Akram and Abdul Salam Mohanah Ward No, 19 Saganisarbazat At Turbat 2. Constnxtion of So*age pit (13 NO'.) AsfaM yar Bazar Haji Rasooa BakhSh Motlallah Ward 15 bunde Kalat AbSOt At Turbat Oistrcit Kech 3. Construcbon of Pit(13Nos} foc Zarrar Oi Murad Bazar khuda yousuf MuhaNah Ward Nog Absor At Turbat District Kech. i. Construcbon of Soakage Pit (13.Nosj For Rehmat Ullah Batochi Kotwai Bazar Ward No.2 Abstr At Turoat District Kech. 2, Of Soakage pit (5,NOS) and fOt B & R Colony 'Oqbod Ahmad Ward N022 Turbat OistrÉt 3. Of pit (13,Nos) Town Ward No 33 Saijad Rahmat ullah Bazar A! Tumat District Kech. l, Construction of Line (340 Rfl 12"dia Pipe) Jcn±i zorbazar And Saif IJIlah Bazar Word NO .26 At Tubät Diüict Kech&bdquo 2. Construction of Line (ཽ RH 12"'d'ia Pipe) and 25 Nosold Manhole Repait for Nasi Ahmad Bazar Shahi Tump East Ward,37 At Turbat District Koch. 3. Construc&euroon of Sewerage line (340 Rt 12"dia Pipe) Naseem dad Bazar Shamali Chahsir Ward No.36At Turbat District Kechi I. Of Sewerage tine {350 RI 1 24' Pipe fcc Naeem Shah Bazar Akram Muhallah Ward No.t2 Absor At Turbat District Kech. 2. Constucti0d1 of Soakage pit (13 Nos Fo« Moen Iqbal Kahoda Yousuf Mohallah Absor Ward Turbat Dismct Kech, 3. Construction Of Sewerage Line Pipe) fcc Irshad Ahmad Bazar and Haji Murad House to Wahid Bakhsh House malik WardN030 At Tumat District Kechi I. Of Soakage pit ) Imam Daryahi aspi Bazar Maliki NONI At Turbat District Kech 2. Construcbon of Soakage pit (13.Nos ) For Sohrab Qadir Bakh$h Bazar Haji Rasool Bakhsh Mohalhh Absor Wæd No, 16 At TUrbat District 1. Construcbon of Boundry Wall(510 RRI for girts Schoe Bug Ahmad Ward Nm48 At Turbot District Kech, 2. Constwton of so*age Pit (22Nos) for Haj Aslarn Sari kahn Bazar Ward No.49 At Turoat District Kech- 1. Constructon of Local Bore ( 200 Fifi ) For Govt Gids School Balochi Kotwal Bazar Absor Kareem Bakhsh Bazar Wad NOS A1 Turbat District Kech. 2. Construction of Boundry Walk235 Pat Tariq Babol Bazar Qubristan Zekri Coavnunity Sanganisar Ward Nas 18 At Turbet District Kech. 3. LayingofWaterSug*y of Poe Line(2000Rft) For Sh0kat Ali bazar Shtii Tunv Mashriki Ward No.39 Turbat Oisfrt Kech. l. Construetj0<'i of S"kage pit (13Nos-) foc ShamiS Basheer Z*gåt Koshküt SOLAh Ward NOA6 At TSE. 242509544703 TSE. 242509544723 TSE. 242509544733 TSE. 242509545533 TSE. 242509544743 TSE. 242509544783 TSE. 242509544803 TSE. 242509544813 TSE. 242500544343 TSE. 242509544853 TSE. 242509544863 TSE. 24250544873 3768000 3134736 3579060 3933731 3785080 3070272 3923116 25420C0 3890011 3365368 Call it 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 13, 14, 15. 16. 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 Turbat OistriCt Kech. 2, Construction of 'ne 340 Rt 12"dia Pipe ) Muzaffar Bazar and Kahuoa tuqman Whallah Ward No. 14 Abscr At Turbat District Kech, 3, Construction Qabristan Rt for Abubakar Bazar Mari Abad Jusak Ward Construction Of Protection Wall 160 ) Fot Water Supply Dr.Hakeem House and Dar Jan Blochi Kolwai Bazar Abscr Ward NO.' At Turbat District 2, Construction ot Soaka* pit lt3.Nos tor Magribi Shahi Tutnp West and Abdul Ghani Ward NOAO Turbar District Turbar l, Soaka* Pit t3.NC$ ) For Chakar Khan Oashti Bazar Overseas Cclorty Ward N029 At Turbat Oistnct Kech. 2, Constnction of Soakage pit (13.N0$) For Mohm Bakhsh Bazu Imam &zenjo Muhallah Chahsir Bazar Ward No.34 At Turbatt)istrict Kech. of Water supply P V C Pipe Line For Lal Bakhsh kolwai Bazar Absor Wyd NOA at Turbat OiStfiCt Kech, 2 Water Supply P V C Pipe Line Rfij For Abdul Samad Balochi Bazar Ward NO,3 Absor At Turbar District Ked'. t. Construction of Soakage Pit and Earth Filling for Mazar Saleh Date Form k$ine Kos*alat Bazar Ward No-42 at At Turbat District Kech- 2. Constuctjon of Boundry Wall 385 Rt ) tor Meeri Oabristan Gun Mohm Bazar Meeti ward NO.47 At Turbat Oistict Kech, 3, ConstuctbncISoakage Pit ( 13Nos ) For Satreer FXIa Zorbæar Bazar Ward No,23 At Turbat OStfict ti Ccnstnxticn of Lccal Bore 200 Rh )For Govemn&bull.ent Girls Meddle School Zocbazar Moula Bakhsh Marri Zorbazar Shemali Ward Nos 25 At Turbat District Kech 2. Consructon ot Soakage Pit {13 Ncs) For Taimoor Shah Zccbazar Sootl Ward No.27 at Turbat. 3. Constuctbn of Soakage Pit t 13 Nos Mahammad Aslam Jamadar Yaqcob Morella Abso&bull Ward No-13 at Turbat Of line ( 700 Rft 12"dia Pipe For Khalil &mdashul&bullRehnwt Bazar Sami Pahda nganisæ At Turbat District Kech- . &bullConstrucbon Overhead Water Tark For Kabri Market Zctbazat Sher Ai Bazar Ward No.23 At Constuction Of Soakage Pit f51.N06 For Woman Counselor Distict Constifttion of and Repair 01 Janaza Gah Nasratllah Dashi Bazar Overseas Cdony Ward "1028 At Turbat District Kech. 2, Construction of Soakge Pit (t2Nos) foe Wards of KOShkaht 3, ConstfkCtion Of line Gushta 1. Repair Of Renovaöon Lccal Goverrurtent Quarter Ai Port Chock at Ti.jrbat District Kech, 2, Repair of Coo@rence Hall MW"icipal at Turbat District Kech. Repair Fot bhjrticipel Offce At Turbat District Kech t, Constucton of (2 Nos) Publi Toilets for Gerets hjnkcipal Area at Turbat District Kech- 2. Constructjcn Of (2 Nosy Publi Toeats bar Ladies Wnicipel Corporation at Turbat OiStriCt Kech 3, of line From Ghani Shareef Housewrnain Seperagene Mohalla Constructiön of Soaxage Pii area of Municipal Cotpotaticn T'*bat OStrict Kech. 47. NCS Pub(lc Wajtjng Shad M &bull8 At Turbat District Keck 1. Sewerage Line from KB House to Main Sewerage Line Via Rasheed Hcuse at Turbat Distict Kech. 2, Construction of Sewerage line from Ustad Sowali house to Harpet House 3, Construcbon of sewerage line near old Kalat 242509544893 242509544903 242509544963 242509544993 242509545023 242509545033 242509545043 242509545053 242509545073 242509545093 242509545103 TSE. 242509545113 2572043 2644746 3816327 3972000 355276t 5130834 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Procurements shall be made under the Balochistan Public Procurement Rules &mdash 2014. Eligibility of Bidders: Presence in Active Tax Payer List. The bidding firm must not be blacklisted by any procuring agency in Pakistan, Balochistan Revenue Authority Registration is required. The bidder must have completed 3 Assignment of smilat nature of work. Turnover of at least 3 subsequent previous years showing the financial capacity of the firm. The contractor must have valid registration Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant category (C-6 and above where applicable) Procedure of Procurement: Single Stage One Envelope Bidding Procedure Bid Security: The bids must accompany Bid Security in the form ofa Deposit at Call of 2 % specified above in the name of the undersigned from a scheduled bank, Tender Documents: The bidding documents can be obtained from the Office Of the undersigned @ Rs. 2500 by providing green Challan, Account Title Municipal Corporation Turbat 4044223158 Main Branch NBP Turbat Issuance oftender Documents: From the date of publication of NIT to October 2024 during office hours on working days Last Date of bid submission: The Tenders mustbe submitted latest by October 2024 till 11 AM, Tender opening: All tenders will be opened on the same day at the offce ofthe undersigned at 12:00 PM Stamp [email protected] % may be provided by the Contractor/Firm. Address: OffceoftheMtmicipalCorporationTurbatDistrictKech Mobile 0336-3887445 Email: AB No.271109-09-2024 w.ev& CHIEF OFFICER MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TURBAT dprgob @dgpr.baioehistan ewspaper ep, from Express dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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