Cantonment Board Peshawar Tender Notice for Provison Installation Of LED Streets Lights,Uplifting Of cb Graveyard Roads,Provision Of Pipe,Construction Of Drain,Supply & Fixing Pumps,Construction Of Storm water Drain,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CANTONMENT BOARD PESHAWAR TENDER NOTICE Cantonment Board Peshawar being procuring entity invites sealed bids on the basis of MES Schedule of Rates, 2021 (amended upto dale) on percentage above/below or at par basis for schedule items and market item rate basis for non-schedule items as per "Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure" under Rule 361b) of PPRA Rules 2004 (as amended upto date), from the contractors/ firms having valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council {PEC) in Relevant Category for the year 2024-25 and are on Active Taxpayers List ofthe Federal Board of Revenue for the following original works:- Estimated Name of work Cost (Million) Bid Security / Earnest Bidding money@2% Document of Estimated fee (Rs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ORIGINAL WORKS Construction of 2 x Cd Staff Qtr / Flat at Chotti Laikurti Construction of 18 x Shops (Ground Floor) in parking area of Al- Nafa Markaz, Shoba Bazar ImprovemenVRe- Carpeting of Falcon Complex Roads, Sher Khan Shaheed Road Re-Carpeting of Road using (JMF pre-Mix) at Street No. 4 at DOC Kh ber Rad Re-Carpeting of Road using (JMF pre-Mix) at Street No. 2 at DOC Kh ber Road Re•Carpeting of Road using (JMF pre-Mix) at Street Nov 7 at DOC Kh ber Road Re-Carpeting of Road using (JMF pre-Mix) at Street No. (7a) at DOCK berRoad Construction of street at Survey No. 475 opposite Edwards Colle e, Mall Road Up-gradation / Improvement of Sewerage System in Khyber Bazar Construction of main drain at Rahman Baba Road from Ibrahimi Hospital to Lady Griffith School Construction of drain in Rahman Baba Colony, Dabgari Garden Construction of storm water drain at Tipu Sultan Road and Liaqat Bazar Street to suneri Mas'id Road, Improvement Of Sewerage S stem At Choti Lalkurti Construction of drain at Bari Lalkurti Shaheed Bazar Construction of drain and street at Sunehri Masjid Colony, S.M Road Supply / Fixing of 11 x Submersible Pumps 30 hp with complete sot at various tube wells in Cantt. area Provision of' P.E Pipe 110 mm dia at Bashir Lane, Seri Ram Street, Imperial Street and Hamdard Street, Saddar Provision of PE pipe 75mm dia and 110mm dia at Lala Ayub Lane, Tipu Su tan Road and S.M Road, Saddar Provision / installation of LED street lights at Sahibzada Gul Road Provision / installation of LED street lights at Rehman Baba Colo , Da ari Garden Uplifting of CB Graveyard at Warsak Road 1787 20.25 20.60 5.68 8.10 5.63 2.77 2.00 4.00 8.73 5.16 7.49 10.60 4.00 7.50 26.09 4.89 5.22 5.19 3.09 15.00 Cost (Million} 0.36 0.41 0.11 0.16 0.11 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.17 0.10 0.15 0.21 0.08 0.15 0.52 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.30 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- 500/- Date & Time of submission of bids (technical & financial proposal) 26/09/2024 at 1100 Hours -do. -do. Date & Time of opening (technical proposal bids) 26/09/2024 at 1130 Hours -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- Project time limit As per work order -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- TERMS & CONDITIONS:- 2. 3. 4. 54 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Tender / Bidding documents containing Invitation to the bidiTender Notice, Instructions to bidders, Form of Bid, Conditions of Contract Agreement, Specifications, Bill of Quantities and Bid evaluation criteria can be obtained on any working day during office hours from the office of Cantonment Board Peshawar at 5 - Captain Abdul Jalil (Shaheed) Road, Peshawar Cantonment on or before closing date/time of tender bid, Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 500/- (non-refundable). Tender/ bidding documents can also be downloaded from CBP website 2% (two percent} earnest money Ibid security of estimated cost must be accompanied in the shape Ofgill depositin the name of Cantonment Board Peshawar, from Scheduled banks in accordance with the Rule 25 of PPRA Rules, 2004 and subsequentamendments (if any), An Affidavit to the affect staling that 2% bid security / earnest money has been placed iii financial proposals / bids must be attached in the technical proposals. Any bid security not validated from bank can result into penal consequences. The Submission of Bids by the contractors implies that they are fully conversant w- pe of work and term and conditions laid down in the tender / bid's documents. The eligible contractors/firmsarerequiredtosubmittheirBidsforworkinsépara sélledenvelopesi.e. one envelope containing "Technical Proposal"ofthe contractors / firms, clearly marked as 'Technical Hid accompanied with respectiVe bidding document fee. while the second envelope containing financial proposal / bid price, clearly marked as 'Financial Proposal BottyTecbnica' anil I manual proposals / bills will be placed in single sealed envelope duly addressed and send to Office of the Cantonment Board Peshawar ptain Abdul Jalil (Shaheed) Road, Peshawar Cantonment within due date & time of closing of tender box. Technical proposal mustbenumbered&tableofcontentsinserted beginningoftheproposalshowingthetableofcontentsoftheproposalaccordingtolhe numbered pages. All pages of bills shall to signed & stamped by thebidder and seal be affixed along with the signatures/ initials/ Stamp. Contractor / Bidder black listed by Cantonment Board Peshäward/ involved in litigation or found to be indulged in corrupt or fraudulent practices at any stage of procurement will be considered non responsive by Cantonment Board Peshawar being procuring entity. The 'Technical Proposals/ Bids' of the firms / contractbrswillbe evaluated in accordance with [aid down evaluation criteria based on the following documents to beprovidedinthe biddingdocumentsmeant Submission of Technical Proposal: - Detail of projects of similar nature}ie above mentioned work undertaken by the firm in the last 5 years (in hand/ completed) supported by documentary evidence such as work orders/ completion reports in original or attested copies. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii, Financial status, Bank balance & certificate from the scheduled bank for the last 5 years, The Income Tax Ceftificate from thedonCerned department. Showing Tax payment regarding works / projects executed during last 5 years. Details oftechnical staff for the proposed works, duly supported by attested credentials, An affidavit that the firm nejtper blacklisted nor in dispute / litigation / arbitration with any Govt / semi Govt. Department on the left over/ incomplete projects. Anaffidavitisrequir beprovidedwiththetechnicalbidregardingattachmentofthebidsecurityintheshapeofBankGuaranteeorcalldepositwiththe financial bid. The firms / coritractors should have their own machinery / plant relating to the project. The list of machinery shall be provided on non-judicial stamp paper alongwith relevant documents. Only those will be eligible to apply for the tender who have renewed their enlistment with PEC for the year 2024-25, Incomplete Tender forms will be considered as Non responsive i.e. name of Firm, Quoted rates in words and in figures, signatures of the contractor and stamp ofthefirm, Only upto two decimal digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted Rate. If any document submitted along with bid documents found false / bogus, the registration ofthe contractor / firm shall stand cancelled / blacklisted in the light of enabling provisions of PPRA Rules 2004. Conditional / Incomplete bids shall notbe acceptable, The Financial Bids / Proposals of only technically responsive qualified bidders will be opened after evaluation of Technical Bids in the presence of bidders / their representatives (who may like to attend) in the office of the Cantonment Board Peshawar on the date & time to be notified later on whereas the Financial Bids of technically non responsive bidders shall be returned unopened to the respective contactors on dale and time intimated to them accordingly. In case of lowest tendered late is Itis than At Par MES Schedule of Males 2021 , the lowest bidder shall have 10 deposit standing security m shape of performance guarantee (refundable alter successful completion of the work) 10% of the estimated cost under rule 30 of PPRA Rules, 2001 within 07 days, failing which the already deposited 2% earnest money shall be forfeited anti the tender will he cancelled re-invited, Any Item not reflected in the BOO and required at site, shall he paid in accordance with MES Schedule of rates 2021 /prevailing market rates with the approval of the procuring entity/ CompetentAuthority. All the governments taxes (Federal, Provincial & any other) will be deducted asper prevailing government policy. Incomplete / disfiguring / ovemriting / by hand / delayed bids shall be declared non• responsive- Any bid received in the contravention of enabling provisions of PPRA Rules, 2004 will be declared non responsive by the procuring entity. Cantonment Board Peshawar being procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any tender / bid on technical / administrative grounds under Rule 33 (i) of the PPRA Rules, 2004. Successful bidder shall be bound to execute an agreement with the procuring entity and all terms and conditions including tender notice shall be binding on the bidder. Otherterms & conditions pertaining to the works can be seen in the Office of the Cantonment Board Peshawar at any working day during office hours. As per PPRA Rule 33, the procuring agency may reject all bids or proposal at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contactor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds. Cantonment Executive Officer, Peshawar 5-Capt. Abdul Jalil Shaheed Road Peshawar Cantt Phone No. 091-9212783, Fax: 0921-9212799, Email: [email protected] u Newspaper ( bep, zuZ4) from Express dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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