Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for Provision Of Security Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** nn PEMRA GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA REGULATORY AUTHORITY HEADQUARTERS, ISLAMABAD PEMRA invites sealed tenders (Single stage Two envelopes) from eligible and reputable firms for the provision of security services 24/7 at its headquarters building in Islamabad and its regional/sub offices located in various cities across Pakistan. The firm must have GST & NTN registered with tax department, The interested Firms / companies may submit their offers along with necessary documents, to the undersigned on or before 11 A.M on 25th September 2024. Terms & Conditions:- The bid should be submitted in sealed envelope containing Profile of the Firm/Company having requisite experience of 1, Security services, copies of NTN & GST Registration and an affidavit that the firm /company has never been blacklisted by any Government Department/0rganization. 2 The most advantageous bid will be the one offering the lowest evaluated price, while fully complying with all technical requirements outlined in the TORs. The Firms/Companies shall be Islamabad 3. Details of major corporate clients along w• htheir official telephone numbers and Email addresses 4. Payment shall be made on monthly bai hioughcross cheque in Pak Rupees and all government Taxes/ Levies will be 5. deducted at the time of making t by or before 10'h day of the month and payment will be made monthly upon submission of invoice. The contractor shall not sublet ntractto any other firm or individual 6. 7. Tender documents containi tails of work can be collected from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs.5000/- (Non-Refunda le fawn in name of PEMRAin shape of DD/PO/CDR. PPRA ( & PE A website i.e. ( Last Audited annual financ al statement and bank statement of last six months. 8. 9. The tenderwill be o ed at 11.30 am on the same day in presence ofthe representatives offirms/ companies. 10. Incompletetender ithout supporting documents shall not be entertained. 11. The Authority rese esthe rightto acceptorrejectanyorall bids priortothe acceptance as perPPRARules. (Ameer Bukhsh Mahar) Deputy Director (Administration) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority ISt Floor, Mauve Area, G-8/1, Islamabad. Phone No. 051-9107148, Fax No. 051-9107168 O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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