Military Engieering Services Chaklala Tender Notice in Dawn newspaper of 10 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Military Engieering Services Chaklala Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Military Engieering Services Chaklala Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Rehabillation Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES NOTICE OF TENDER The office of DW&CE (PAF) Chaklala invites sealed tenders for the following Works in light of PPRA Rule 13 2004:- (l) Rehabilitation work at PAF Base 02 (ii) Rehabilitation work at PAF Base (S) Rs. 19.600 Million (T) Rs. 48.097 Million 03, Firms will furnish details including work orders, location and pictures of completed projects alongwith satisfactory completion certificate from user. Firms having experience in Construction, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing works/servicesre istered with PEC inrelevantfiled are eli ibletoa I NOTE:- Contractors shall provide certificate that they are not involved in any type of litigation with Government Department in the Court of Law and that no special report of Directorate of Inspection and Evaluation (E-in-Cis Branch GHQ) is 04. firms willfurnish list of personnel, Bankstatement, NTN certificate, Incometaxreturnforthelastthreeyears. 05. Onlythose firms/contractors can apply who fulfill the under mentioned criteria:- a. Enlisted with PEC in Cat C-2 & above in the relevantfiled with validity at least up to Jun, 2024. b. Preferably Enlisted with. MES in CatA. In case of nan-enlisted firms, 2% bid security will be provided (Refundable). c. No Special report of DI&E & no outstanding DI&E recoveries. 06. Tender will be issued to Pre-qualified frims/contra r; and are required to be recovied in HQ DW &CE (PAF) Chaklala at 1130 hours on 25 Sep 2024 and will be ope d vd nthe same datat1200 hours. 07. Bidding Documents:- (1 Procuring agencies shall formulate rg ise and unambiguous bidding documents that shall be made available to the bidders immediately afterthepublica n of the invitation to bid. (ii) The procuring agency shall provide a set of bidding documents to any supplier or contractor, on request and subject OX to payment of price, if any. Explanation:-Forthe purp s ofthisSub-Ruleprice meansthe cost of printing and providing the documents only. 08. Imcomplete applicatiD11éha I not be entertained 09. The Accepting Offig+serves the right to accept or reject the tender Rejected tenders will be dealt with as per Para 10. The interestedbärties can contact CMES (PAF) Sargodha authorized representative for further details from 0715 to 1335 hours on all working days. Name of Work Executed 11 during the Amount Sl Agency of Time Allowed (Months) Date of commencement Date of Percentage Progress of work Last 2 No Years and in Hand O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, Work 2024) Completion in Hand Departmental Performance Report on each Work by the Engineer in Charge from Dawn dated 10 September, 2024
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